Stephan pfp
So what is Base’s value prop again? Why couldn’t they adopt and support an existing open source effort like Optimism directly?
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Colin @ FarCon pfp
Colin @ FarCon
Cc @jessepollak
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Jesse Pollak 🔵 pfp
Jesse Pollak 🔵
we are adopting and supporting Optimism - we're building on the OP Stack and contributing back to retroactive public goods funding. we've done the whole thing in a deep collaboration with their team. the key thing we're focused on is making it easy to onboard the next million devs and billion users.
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Jesse Pollak 🔵 pfp
Jesse Pollak 🔵
we believe in a world where many L2s will be required to support that scale, so partnering with optimism to figure out what that actually means and how we do it at scale made at on of sense. so much work to do! but we're making great progress :)
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