Jeff pfp
Cross posting from the bird app. Here are some thoughts on the future of protocols for decentralized money and social:
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Jeff pfp
The telegraph was more difficult than the semaphore. It required repeaters and circuits rather than simple fire.
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Jeff pfp
The telephone was more difficult than the telegraph. Conveying sound required more control, feedback, and modulation. The overton window had to be convinced to remember phone numbers.
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Jeff pfp
The computer and internet was more difficult than the telephone. You're implementing a reprogrammable Turing Machine via von Neumann architecture, and building a reliable communications network.
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Jeff pfp
*If* decentralized money and social media takes off, and someone in the 30th century studies the 2000's and 2100's, don't you think building protocols which reach the money and human layer would be more complicated than anything prior? Everything is inherently political.
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