Jeeva pfp



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Jeeva pfp
Disagree - although it’s nuanced. Unlocking liquidity from your assets is the defi dream. That means interacting with a SC and agreeing to the conditions by which you can access your assets. The problem isn’t TVL, it’s immature SC. No way around but to build through. Market will bubble the best patterns up.
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Jeeva pfp
This cycle, my bet is discord is out and farcaster with channels and frames is in. Giddy up
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Jeeva pfp
404 is fricken genius. We have floors and rares. If floors are basically shidders with pictures - then may as well make them exactly that. Buy enough fungible tokens - you get some art. Don’t like what you get, swap tokens in and out till you do.
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Jeeva pfp
I’ve recently been leaning into local first setups. More to get a feel for how far away the UX is to their centralised versions. Collaboration on code seems to be an obvious place to start. Has anyone had a play with or similar? Looks epic on paper.
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Jeeva pfp
Blockchain makes fintech more tech and less fin
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Jeeva pfp
Blockchain makes fintech more tech and less fin
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Jeeva pfp
Are there any open source wallets intended to be embedded into an app (that is, the wallet itself is both self custodial and abstracted from the user)
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Jeeva pfp
You can’t remove volatility/risk - only move it around. Unless by moving it, you create a significant shift in the game theory and behaviour of the actors involved…
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Jeeva pfp
We need to revisit bitstamp or similar as a credible, decentralised way to add a small cost to stem the endless spam on email. AI reducing the cost of creation means we need to add a cost to send :)
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Jeeva pfp
Crypto and public blockchain are the only credible path to open the internet again. The Internet was built on open protocols. You didn't have to ask permission to innovate and build on top. You just... did.
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