Kasra Rahjerdi pfp

Kasra Rahjerdi


338 Following

Kasra Rahjerdi pfp
Kasra Rahjerdi
dozens of people: “kasra can i have some help with my frame?” @keccers.eth: “i’d rather die than ask kasra for help”
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Kasra Rahjerdi pfp
Kasra Rahjerdi
just made a live coding frame video that’s so long whoever watches the full video is gonna get an nft calling them a nerd
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Kasra Rahjerdi pfp
Kasra Rahjerdi
making a new app and the number of times i've said "i don't care about how pretty this looks" makes me realize she was right
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Kasra Rahjerdi pfp
Kasra Rahjerdi
my daily struggle
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Kasra Rahjerdi pfp
Kasra Rahjerdi
If anyone is looking for LLM friendly documentation to drop into their project for creating a frame:
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Kasra Rahjerdi pfp
Kasra Rahjerdi
a week ago: “i’m gonna recreate the game in 3D, how hard could it be?” today: “i might be the worst programmer in the world”
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Kasra Rahjerdi pfp
Kasra Rahjerdi
still working on the front-end for this but if anyone wants early access: 1. Clone this repo: https://github.com/jc4p/farcaster-first-said/tree/main 2. Download this tar.gz and extract to same folder as the repo: https://farcaster-pfps.kasra.codes/output.tar.gz 3. Run `python first_said_finder.py fid {your_fid}`
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Kasra Rahjerdi pfp
Kasra Rahjerdi
why would @keccers.eth say this… so mean…
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Kasra Rahjerdi pfp
Kasra Rahjerdi
coworkers keep telling me i'm smart when i make architectural decisions and they don't know for each question they ask i go through a slumdog millionaire memory blast, is this what being a senior dev means?
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Kasra Rahjerdi pfp
Kasra Rahjerdi
hanging out with @keccers.eth at a party while everyone else is talking about their life and feelings "so uh.. what frame are we launching next?"
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Kasra Rahjerdi pfp
Kasra Rahjerdi
might've under estimated how long it'd take me to process 157 million casts, but in 6 hours i'll have authoritative rankings on who said what words first!!
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Kasra Rahjerdi pfp
Kasra Rahjerdi
i don't have time to do it but if anyone wants to do something, here's a dataset of the most reply-guy and the most post-and-ghost users of all time: https://gist.github.com/jc4p/1c35a5f1d23bb26f502d8504efb97590 (spoiler alert: they're all bots)
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Kasra Rahjerdi pfp
Kasra Rahjerdi
new @keccers.eth and i frame: guess who! fun fact to figure out your best friends i had to write my own grpc client
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Kasra Rahjerdi pfp
Kasra Rahjerdi
has anyone else encountered frame.sdk.context.user changing payload data? it used to return { fid, username } it now seems to be returning an object which inside of it has a user object which inside of it has { fid, username } // cc @linda @deodad
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Kasra Rahjerdi pfp
Kasra Rahjerdi
making plans with friends
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Kasra Rahjerdi pfp
Kasra Rahjerdi
hub operators: i believe i have created the fastest hub data retriever out there, id love for it to be used by others production ready code + full dev work in this repo: https://github.com/jc4p/fast-hub-client
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Kasra Rahjerdi pfp
Kasra Rahjerdi
hi i believe i have the most full archive of casts ever, 157 million starting from Jan 1 2021 I'm pretty sure it's every cast ever made!! https://huggingface.co/datasets/jc4p/farcaster-casts
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Kasra Rahjerdi pfp
Kasra Rahjerdi
(severely disturbed guy talking to himself) “oh man i get to calculate colinearities, nice!”
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Kasra Rahjerdi pfp
Kasra Rahjerdi
remember when i pulled 13 million casts? that took ~4 hours This guy just helped me make a client that can (in theory) pull that in 11 minutes:
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Kasra Rahjerdi pfp
Kasra Rahjerdi
Are you building a hub grpc client? If so, here's a minimal local hub server for stress testing, I'm currently using it to profile a new hub archiver i'm working on. Features: - Fully local and in memory - Minimal functionality of just casts/users https://github.com/jc4p/minimal-hub-server
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