jcdenton.cast pfp
Never dedicate your business to a platform without expecting them to clone you. Apple is the most famous example of a frenemy, and there are countless examples of this playing out in Silicon Valley. Build the platforms, not the apps.
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🌹 Zach Harris 🥀 pfp
🌹 Zach Harris 🥀
The irony is thick.
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Nicholas Charriere pfp
Nicholas Charriere
I don’t like the “build the platform” mantra. It’s what leads everyone in crypto to build protocols instead of use cases. I prefer “build something with real value, keep delivering more value”. This is another way of looking at what apples doing, as a side note.
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MOLO pfp
what’s that a clone of?
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J. Valeska 🦊🎩 pfp
J. Valeska 🦊🎩
What about build to own? I am currently working on a way to enforce this on chain.. ...still early development but so far it is working better than expected.
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frdysk 🦠 pfp
frdysk 🦠
including many past apps like flashlight apps, screen casting to non-apple product apps, rotate/mirror/crop/flip video apps, etc
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Graham Chapman pfp
Graham Chapman
Another way of looking at this is that Apple adopts a feature as it becomes a commodified experience. They’re very safe. So the further you are on the innovation curve, the safer you’ll be
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