Mayank Jain pfp
Mayank Jain
We’re excited to announce that Wally along with @AlchemyLearn, @developer_dao, @hello_we3, @thirdwork, @doolaHQ and more are creating an in-person office space where top talent can learn about and build web3 projects – in the heart of NYC with a cohort of other builders
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Jayme Hoffman pfp
Jayme Hoffman
Big enough for an NYC @launch event?
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Launchcaster pfp
Hey, thanks for the mention! If you’re trying to launch, reply to your first cast starting with "@launch" followed by an optional title. Example: @launch Brobdingnagian - a super heavy rocket 🚀
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Mayank Jain pfp
Mayank Jain
We definitely want to do a happy hour and could host something including the common areas, but the office suite itself wouldn’t be big enough. Let me find out more details on that and get back to you
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