Colin pfp
There’s been a lot of talk about product NFTs driving growth, since trending NFTs appear on Farcaster and other web3 surfaces. But how do you track attribution? How do you know growth is actually coming as a result of FC users finding that NFT and checking out your website?
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brian is live on unlonely pfp
brian is live on unlonely
hot take: I don’t think product NFTs drive growth
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Jayme Hoffman pfp
Jayme Hoffman
How do you define product NFTs? Do you not think NFCs will drive growth? Few growth examples I've seen: • Rainbow Zorb: 120k mints drove app installs • Dawn Pass: 11K mints drove awareness of Daylight's new prelaunch • Launch Pass: 4K mints driving 1Ks of visitors/mo
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brian is live on unlonely pfp
brian is live on unlonely
I should clear up: - I think product NFTs drive growth in the short term but don’t really bring you much closer to pmf unless there’s a novel use-case with them. and pmf is where u find the real growth imo like NFCs are a semi-interesting use case but I actually don’t think they do much for pmf
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