Jayme Hoffman pfp
Jayme Hoffman
CSX Day 1: @jasonr: PMF is like playing poker. Achieving it is like winning hand - it gives optionality. @benrbn: Devil in the details, God in the defaults. What's cool for users? Dinner: "Are you on Farcaster?" in almost every convo paired with "This is how $degen works"
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Jayme Hoffman pfp
Jayme Hoffman
Some more notes from Ben's talk: - Anxiety → todo list → done = balance - Devil is in the details, god is in the defaults - How do people talk about product at dinner? - Work should be fun, meaningful, and rewarding - Should be rewarded for work you put on the internet
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Tudor 🟣🟡 Far(away)Con Ldn pfp
Tudor 🟣🟡 Far(away)Con Ldn
Mind expanding on the “God is in the defauls” part?
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Dalton pfp
can you elaborate on the optionality from achieving pmf?
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Wilykit pfp
Only 2 things in life money can't buy you - love and PMF - welcome to my ted talk
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alexk ⚡️🇮🇱🎩🍖 pfp
alexk ⚡️🇮🇱🎩🍖
Great takes 😁
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Ox Bid pfp
Ox Bid
That is super cool! Thanks for sharing! Really like about ‘how degen works’ and PMF is like playing poker ♥️
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fullstackdegen.eth pfp
What’s PMF?
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