Jay Jay pfp

Jay Jay


1120 Following

Jay Jay pfp
Jay Jay
What should I be exploring on @base ?
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Jay Jay pfp
Jay Jay
Eigenlayer is the next Luna/UST
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Jay Jay pfp
Jay Jay
So many new casters on my feed wow
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Jay Jay pfp
Jay Jay
LPing is a hedge against a long-term sideways bear market
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Jay Jay pfp
Jay Jay
Ancient Apocalypse is a phenomenal show
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Jay Jay pfp
Jay Jay
Happiness is earned
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Jay Jay pfp
Jay Jay
Authenticating my Farcaster account on @perl. [0xca6b077d24f4b9775de8c7f9a28242f2d82f69e6b6a30a108adc61ecb12c017e3a112fd7c01011223af3c09778ceb8a03d365bc22b2cb41fd3c20a803da7d9281b]
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Jay Jay pfp
Jay Jay
We asked for crypto to not be so correlated to the stock market and we got what we wished for. Fun!
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Jay Jay pfp
Jay Jay
Maybe Gensler’s strategy is to kill the industry by non regulation
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Jay Jay pfp
Jay Jay
Any VCs doing capital calls today?
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Jay Jay pfp
Jay Jay
I assume SBF and CZ communicate through discord to tap into each other’s liquidity
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Jay Jay pfp
Jay Jay
Do CEX founders believe the future is on chain? If so, wouldn’t that destroy their entire business? I assume in a decade on-chain high frequency trading will be possible. What’s left?
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Jay Jay pfp
Jay Jay
Wen next FC nyc meetup?
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Jay Jay pfp
Jay Jay
Very surprised at how poor SBF is at giving a coherent thought. He has no argument here. https://youtu.be/Ytaa_5liwMA
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Jay Jay pfp
Jay Jay
What are some principles you live by?
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Jay Jay pfp
Jay Jay
This is my Axie Infinity “Business Plan” back in 2020. I have it framed https://i.imgur.com/CGFnqIO.jpg
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Jay Jay pfp
Jay Jay
Tokenomics need to be completely redesigned for companies - tying them to a timeframe rather than company performance adds tech debt. No one can predict when a company will be successful
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Jay Jay pfp
Jay Jay
Metaverse = composability of social + money
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Jay Jay pfp
Jay Jay
The end game of NFT marketplaces is building the infrastructure to enable founders and communities to easily host and manage their own marketplace and integrate web3 versions of discord and twitter into them. I think this is where it’s going what do you think?
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Jay Jay pfp
Jay Jay
Food labels should be required to say “this meat may have been fed sewage and garbage” Similar to how guidelines need to be adhered to in order to say “organic” or “grass fed” Give people a choice, but also give them knowledge
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