Jaygo_捷歌 pfp



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Jaygo_捷歌 pfp
So true.
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Jaygo_捷歌 pfp
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Jaygo_捷歌 pfp
3/3, Two weeks later, I saw him meowing outside the gate. I thought he might have found his mother. I opened the gate and let him decide for himself. He slowly went out. I kept the gate open for a whole day, but he didn't come back. He must have found his mother. I am happy for him and wish him a happy life.
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Jaygo_捷歌 pfp
2/3, The kitten was still afraid of me and ran away. The weather was bad and it was raining, but the kitten was smart and slept in the air outlet of the server pipe, which was dry and warm. I woke up early and saw that it was in good spirits. I continued to feed it, and this time I started to feed it more to make sure it was full. I didn't dare to buy too much cat food the first time, but the kitten was eating well, so I bought a big bag the second time. Every time I went to feed it, it would hide away and come back to eat as soon as I left. After a few days, the kitten grew bigger and was full of energy. He practiced grappling in the yard, and the hair on the back of his neck grew back. Occasionally, a big cat would come over, and the kitten would cling to the big cat and play, shaking its head. The big cat would also come over to eat a few bites of cat food.
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Jaygo_捷歌 pfp
part1/3, a kitten came into the yard. It looked like it was only one month old, and a patch of hair had fallen off its neck. My yard is closed, and it probably followed a big cat from someone else's house and jumped in. The big cat jumped back, and it was too small to go back. The kitten meowed on the first night. I have never raised a cat before, so I consulted around and it was probably because it was hungry. The little guy was so pitiful. It was raining heavily, and I didn’t know if I could find its mother after opening the gate, or if its mother would still want it. I have milk at home, but cats can’t drink it. I drove out to buy cat food for all ages. I wasn’t sure if it was suitable, but surprisingly, the kitten ate it all. My friend saw the photos and videos and said he couldn’t bear to see such a miserable state.
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Jaygo_捷歌 pfp
Tokugawa Ieyasu's famous quote: A person's life is like walking a long road carrying a heavy burden, so one should not rush. Take the same view toward your crypto bag.
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Jaygo_捷歌 pfp
Watch out! Not taking those loans! $Normie has gone through a migration. All collateral here is old contract which is essentially worthless. LTV calculation is off and stay away.
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Jaygo_捷歌 pfp
Although the lady at the door was very enthusiastic and invited me to a pleasant time, I politely declined: sorry but all my cash goes to a young man called Vitalik and a anonymous figure Satoshi.
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Jaygo_捷歌 pfp
The Toyota Commemorative Museum of Industry is truly a must-visit for industry enthusiasts.
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Jaygo_捷歌 pfp
Japanese high-performance computer: Kyoto, launched in 2012, a single machine has 32 16GB memory sticks, water cooling system, CPU uses 45nm process, 8-core technology. Retired in 2019. I guess it's still good for mining.
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Jaygo_捷歌 pfp
Imagine you are facing such a long sword in a battle.
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Jaygo_捷歌 pfp
Kraken is finally listing #Kaspa
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Jaygo_捷歌 pfp
part3. 众多协议从设计之初就设定了一个大规模基金库,不客气地说,这样的方案的核心是对用户的不信任。只有在不信任用户和社区的情况下,才需要在程序中强行写入基金会份额。他们并不相信,在协议问世之后,用户会捐赠给基金会。更严重的是,他们可能在一开始就知道自己的所作所为一定会让用户所摒弃,所以一定要强制性的给基金会进行分配。而一旦基金会拥有了巨大的代币持仓,他们的行为就不再需要接受用户的监督,也不需要顾及用户的感受。所以,经常能看到市场进入熊市,以太坊基金会精准逃顶的新闻,完全不顾普通用户的感受。
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Jaygo_捷歌 pfp
part2. 客观的来看,基金会天然是低效的。基金会追求的是制衡而不是有效,否则的话世界上最成功的产品应该来自于苹果基金会,微软基金会,而不是现在我们所看到的苹果公司和微软公司。区块链所实现的事情非常简单:去中心化账本。区块链善于解决无信任状态下的记账问题,但是区块链并不善于解决所有问题,比如基金会管理问题。如同青霉素虽然好,但是也不能包治百病一样。区块链也不能包治百病,它只是一个工具。必须清醒的认识到,人类社会的治理问题,依然要靠人类社会来解决。基金会的低效,并不能仅仅通过引入区块链就能解决。
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Jaygo_捷歌 pfp
大小基金会之辩:以无私成其私。Compound刚刚经历了一次治理攻击,有人试图通过投票来获取一部分社区金库。事情仍然在进展当中,最终结果当然很重要,但是同样重要的问题是,为什么协议需要设置这么大的基金会? 一般来说,大基金会的代表模式是PoS协议,通过协议创世的那一天开始就设置了巨额代币,存入自己的基金会。小基金模式常见于公平分发的PoW协议,资金需要通过用户的捐赠来获得,并且专款专用,整体规模不大。基金的用途很多,比如用于交易所上币,开发者支持,开发专项奖金等等。当然,除了这些原因以外,基金会资金被滥用的也很多,比如最近ICP基金会巨额的广告开支用途不明等等。所以大基金更好还是小基金更好,是值得认真考究的问题。
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Jaygo_捷歌 pfp
My only layer zero account was wrongly reported as Sybil and I wrote to Layerzero to correct it without any reply. I am in bad mood.
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Jaygo_捷歌 pfp
anyone holding Kaspa token? Might follow each other
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Jaygo_捷歌 pfp
Do you speak English? Yes, I do. Oh, you are VIP… yes, my company sponsors this event for a long time.
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Jaygo_捷歌 pfp
Relax after a hard working day in the summer
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