Dan Romero pfp
Dan Romero
Warpcast name origin Requirements: - easy to pronounce - 2 words put together - relation to Farcaster - No trademark issues (having gone through a trademark rebranding at Coinbase and never want to do that again) New names and logos are weird—change!—but ultimately it's how the app works. cf. Coinbase and Airbnb
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Chaotic Neutral pfp
Chaotic Neutral
My suggest is with this early adoption cohort to communicate product dev & iteration plans ahead of deployment as a heads up/preemptive acclimation. I seriously thought the hype was everyone shilling a nonsense side chain app again & immediately recoiled. If I missed a communique then thats on me.. but I like knowing
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Dan Romero pfp
Dan Romero
> nonsense side chain app again when have we ever done that?
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