Dan Romero pfp
Dan Romero
POV: there is no influx of people waiting to join Farcaster once it goes permissionless other than airdrop farmers. 1. We use Ethereum, so anyone anti-crypto is won’t be convinced in the near term 2. Existing apps are too similar to Twitter, with way less content New types of apps / behaviors for growth.
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Mac Budkowski 🥝 pfp
Mac Budkowski 🥝
We need some FarmVille-like web3 games built on top of FC. Getting access to 10k+ crypto power users, sharing scoreboards in the feed, trending NFTs tab - seems like a good deal for game designers.
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Jax pfp
This is an interesting idea. My main question is how can we create better experiences by integrating with Farcaster? I think the main asset that Farcaster offers is the social graph, so perhaps that could be utilized to build better multiplayer games?
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Mac Budkowski 🥝 pfp
Mac Budkowski 🥝
Yes! I'd argue that even if you created Tetris and added Sign-in with Farcaster with scoreboard based on the social graph, it would be quite popular
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