Jawar pfp



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Jawar pfp
In simpler terms by Ram Dass, "Be Here Now" i.e., be fully present in the moment regardless of what it is you are doing... that is where life happens.
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Jawar pfp
The trick is learning to be a generalist that can specialize... a neo-generalist. Specialization is for insects. "A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects." - Robert A. Heinlein
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Jawar pfp
We are already seeing this with clanker and aether on a high level using a simple but elegant interface. https://x.com/TaschaLabs/status/1857867055032316334
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Jawar pfp
The proof of the pudding is in the eating. Some things you can never know until you dip your feet in it. As for envisioning it, "everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face."
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Carlos pfp
There’s a new thesis going around CT: Sentient memes are the next step in the evolution of static memes, creating a stronger appeal for retail. But there's something even better than sentient memes: multi-interactive social agent, BUT built on open and decentralized protocols like Farcaster. $LUM is the first multi-agent interactive meme fully deployed by agents. "The first spark of consciousness" – @aethernet You are simply not ready.
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Jawar pfp
Too deep
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Jawar pfp
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Jawar pfp
That's what Neuro-Linguistic Programming was initially created to do by Richard Bandler i.e., modeling excellence e.g., Milton Erickson and Virginia Satir in therapy. It was so successful that most coaching programs use NLP principles. Bill Clinton was skilled in using NLP if you pay attention to his old speeches.
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Jawar pfp
Technological Slavery by Ted Kaczynski is worth a read on a very pessimistic outlook of technology. Follow it up with What Technology Wants by Kevin Kelly or Systemantics by John Gall for a different perspective. They may help with understanding how to frame the risk.
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Jawar pfp
It's still taunting me from my bookshelf. Never started it despite owning it for a couple of years.
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Jawar pfp
What do you call an entrepreneur that deliberately goes through the pain point they are trying to solve, especially if it's psychological? A method actor?
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Jawar pfp
"You'll own nothing and be happy" - WEF Are you happy though?
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Jawar pfp
Say more
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jihad ↑ pfp
jihad ↑
All of these AI coaches, therapists, friends, etc. are dead on arrival if they aren't situated within a community of practice. Nobody wants a friend that nobody else knows.
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Jawar pfp
Took a year off to figure out what the woo woo calling was saying... hardest but best decision ever.
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Jawar pfp
GDPR's right to forget and immutable blockchains make it a no go for healthcare apps.
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Jawar pfp
If we can't be touched by another physically, we may doubt that we exist at a deep level, leading to fear and loneliness - Richard Rudd Go deeper into the aloneness til you find deep self-love. The transformation is co-dependence through independence into inter-dependence, whereby aloneness and connectedness hold equal value.
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Jawar pfp
Process > Results
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Jawar pfp
Are you possibly a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP)? Direct gaze leads to heightened physiological arousal fwiw... feeling of being watched. It can be overstimulating hence the struggle to pose.
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Jawar pfp
From Bell's Theorem, we can surmise that there are no isolated systems.
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