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What are the most likely options for the main ways centers of power will attack the Trump admin the next 4 years? - Social justice angle that was big in 2016 is weaker in general for many reasons - “Plutocracy” fears about all the rich people in the cabinet seems popular right now, but obviously huge complications for Dems there - Dictator/end of democracy fears? Possible, pretty potent but limited reach of believability - “He’ll get us into a war” fears? Seems very unlikely and not believable Do they have any other major options?
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Jared 🎩
Cruelty will be the major pushback. We’ll see images of immigrant families being separated. Stories of women dying from lack of access to healthcare. Families struggling to afford housing and food after benefits get slashed. We will see it and I think we should.
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I think this seems likely as an angle but I think they’ll have a tougher time with buy in beyond the main Dem base this time. Regardless of if they should care or not, a lot of average people will either not see it or dismiss because of declining popularity and trust of MSM outlets. People don’t have the desire or time to really parse through all the facts and they’ll default more to a boy who cried wolf attitude on it
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Jared 🎩
We’ll see if the strategy will work but I’ll say that’s the strategy that will be used. I work for a progressive advocacy organization and we’re going hard on story collection right now. Preparing for the next few years.
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