forever888.eth pfp



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alex pfp
Request: add comments to warplet payment feature if sending >X amount of $
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Syed Shah🏴‍☠️🌊 pfp
Syed Shah🏴‍☠️🌊
My tribe is cracked. Time to read about the drama in the other tribes. @boysclub
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six pfp
two types of sauna thoughts
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Sam (crazy candle person) ✦  pfp
Sam (crazy candle person) ✦
@matallo.eth sent me this AI phone call demo and it’s insane. I talked to the ai for 8 minutes, which is the longest voice call I’ve ever had with an ai.
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forever888.eth pfp
撸空投更有可能挣钱的方式: 1、有工作的情况下兼职撸空投,有工资收入,不影响生活,反撸也无所谓; 2、少妇带娃兼职撸空投,亏点gas,反撸也无所谓; 3、全职撸空投,拿时间和精力去堆积各种正式网和测试网,80%项目反撸也能撸到大毛,比如我; 4、与科学家合作,根据项目临时上脚本,提高效率。不需要支付房租和工资,这个方向也是我在探索的;
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forever888.eth pfp
😭我当时不是在sol 240清仓了吗 我这两天又干进去jup了 ,因为观察到jup和sol脱离了绑定价格的关系,然后那天jup暴跌到0.66我寻思这是超跌啊 就买进去了几十万 然后继续跌,我能信赖的币不多,jup算一个,sol我不买,因为说过很多次他解锁呢 然后叼毛jup跌到0.57,我寻思这还跌呢 再买几十万。 然后你吗跌破0.48我已经不敢抄底了 我害怕了兄弟们 😵‍💫这尼玛 jup从 1.2跌下来如此丝滑,真是想不到,这下子套成弱智了
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forever888.eth pfp
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payton ↑ pfp
payton ↑
we are so back
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forever888.eth pfp
本来打算放弃Monad,觉得太PUA了,浪费时间。而且NFT、卡牌、还有一堆链上任务,完全不知道侧重哪些 刚想腾出一部分经历去搞Soniuem,毕竟21个徽章任务是明确的。结果任务出来了,这下好了,你不但PUA我,还要骗我钱,去他妈的 上午研究了几个Monad的Defi项目,操作起来比较丝滑,计划每2-3天随机选2/3的号做1个项目,10天搞完。
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forever888.eth pfp
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forever888.eth pfp
我币圈大部分资金都在币安 撸毛现在基本只用OK钱包,真方便 领空投的时候基本都往Bitget冲,快而且经常有加成 Gate里都是杂七杂八的土狗,一直在归零的路上 其他交易所基本就没怎么用了
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anon pfp
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Murtaza Hussain pfp
Murtaza Hussain
Suppression of links on Twitter and replacement with decontextualized videos and rambling, unedited "takes" seems very calibrated to make its users gradually dumber. The entire benefit of Twitter was as a news aggregation service that acted as a portal to find comprehensive knowledge and information. Its probably lowering the collective IQ at this point.
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forever888.eth pfp
这是一条币圈web3撸毛劝退贴。 撸毛越来越难了,方向越来越多,机会越来越难找,可能很长时间都没有收获。如果你已经是全职入圈了,挖掘计划对你来说不太难,那就可以继续下去。如果是新手,真的要做好长期没收益的准备。 最近 RedStone 和 Elixir 被骂的很惨,原因就是给的空投地址极少,绝大部分都是因为参与的太晚导致某些指标没踩到项目方的老鼠仓标准。 - RedStone第一波只有4000个地址才有,而其中就有人拿了几万token,就算是给自己人也不要给的这么明目张胆,上一个这么明目张胆给的是ZK,已经凉的差不多了。 - Elixir最早第一季参与的话,身边有人100U存进去就拿了750个Elixir,后面参与的绝大部分都是没资格,早期的筹码都被项目身边或者及其敏锐的早期玩家拿走了。 相信接下来这样的项目会越来越多,做好反撸的准备吧。
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Varun Srinivasan pfp
Varun Srinivasan
a new spam vector! spam accounts are sending users pennies to show up in their transaction list. they are real pennies. will be bundling these into a "show more" section in the wallet.
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christopher pfp
New iOS 18.4 emojis. Grimace juice and the exhaustion one are going to go viral lmao.
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brian is live on unlonely pfp
brian is live on unlonely
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Linda Xie pfp
Linda Xie
Please give a warm Farcaster welcome to my sister in law @kellykate! She's been a backcountry cook and wilderness guide for 13 years and is a casual crypto enthusiast from listening to me and @wwarren rant about it (she describes it as "I don't have a choice")
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Dan Romero pfp
Dan Romero
Agree. Wish it was more popular.
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forever888.eth pfp
Mt. Gox 刚刚转移了 166.5 枚比特币(约 1505 万美元),交易目的地疑似为加密托管服务商 BitGo。 这一转账发生在 Mt. Gox 更大规模资金移动之后。早前数据显示,Mt. Gox 已在一小时前将 11,834 枚比特币(约 10.7 亿美元)转入一个新钱包地址。
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