Jason Crawford pfp

Jason Crawford


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Jason Crawford pfp
Jason Crawford
Three faulty assumptions people make when trying to understand the behavior of organizations: • Perfect internal communication • Perfect internal alignment • Perfect execution on strategy/plans If you assume these you will often be confused at the behavior of organizations.
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Jason Crawford pfp
Jason Crawford
Someone asked “What is your vision of abundance?” I said: Mastery over all aspects of nature: • Biology: cure disease & aging • Space: supersonic, flying cars, rockets • Matter: nanotech, megastructures • Energy: fusion, Dyson spheres • Information: AI, BCI • Environment: terraforming, climate control
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Jason Crawford pfp
Jason Crawford
If you're on Airchat, I've been doing an AMA there about progress https://www.air.chat/jasoncrawford
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Jason Crawford pfp
Jason Crawford
A feature in on the progress movement in Reason Magazine: “It celebrates humanity's achievements so far. It judges progress not in technocratic terms but with an eye on outcomes for individual human beings” https://reason.com/2024/04/06/progress-rediscovered/
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Jason Crawford pfp
Jason Crawford
Best $8 I ever spent: buying a kite for our two-and-a-half year old 🪁
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Jason Crawford pfp
Jason Crawford
How to be in the right place at the right time: Go to the right place, and wait for the right time.
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Jason Crawford pfp
Jason Crawford
Since the 1950s, the Supreme Court has rejected rejected attempts to censor books, phone calls, cable TV, and the internet. “In all of those cases, the Supreme Court kept returning to one simple idea: You can’t unduly burden adult access to information in the name of protecting children.” –Greg Lukianoff
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Jason Crawford pfp
Jason Crawford
Mostly cloudy in Austin, but we got just enough break in the cloud cover to see the eclipse!
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Jason Crawford pfp
Jason Crawford
Caltrain employee built a secret apartment inside Burlingame station using $42k of public funds. My main takeaway here is that you can build a home in CA for $42k as long as no one is watching https://www.mercurynews.com/2024/03/28/ex-caltrain-employee-contractor-charged-with-building-secret-homes-at-train-stations/
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Jason Crawford pfp
Jason Crawford
As a hobby, kids today should try 21st-century orienteering Figuring out how to drive from point A to point B using only a road atlas, with no online maps or GPS
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Jason Crawford pfp
Jason Crawford
Just thinking about how much people's voices change as they age, and how you can almost gauge age just by hearing a voice. Is there any research on this in longevity? Anyone trying to restore or prolong youthful voices? Or will this just be a consequence of general anti-aging work?
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Jason Crawford pfp
Jason Crawford
Lavoisier was hardcore
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Jason Crawford pfp
Jason Crawford
The concept of children and childhood as precious is a modern sentiment made possible by the conquest of infectious disease When half of children died before adulthood, it was emotionally impossible to become too attached to them:
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Jason Crawford pfp
Jason Crawford
Sewage systems are one of the greatest achievements of civilization, says Matt Ridley An essay of mine on this: https://rootsofprogress.org/when-life-was-literally-full-of-crap
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Jason Crawford pfp
Jason Crawford
Vaclav Smil is not impressed with the “foragers lived a life of leisure” idea:
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Jason Crawford pfp
Jason Crawford
Want to build a more interesting timeline—who should I follow here? Smart, high-signal accounts on economic history, metascience, that sort of thing? Or other topics if very high quality, I am interested to some degree in almost everything! (Like who is the Kottke of Farcaster?)
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Jason Crawford pfp
Jason Crawford
A common mistake is to think that if technology automates or obsoletes something, it will disappear. Remember that we still: Ride horses Light candles Tend gardens Knit sweaters Sail boats Carve wood Make pottery Go camping It's just that these things are recreation now.
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Jason Crawford pfp
Jason Crawford
Relatively few people still live in *extreme* poverty, but most still live in poverty. Much more growth needed!
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Jason Crawford pfp
Jason Crawford
What is progress? In one sense, the concept of progress is simple, straightforward, and uncontroversial. In another sense, it contains an entire worldview https://rootsofprogress.org/what-is-progress
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Jason Crawford pfp
Jason Crawford
One of my favorite @pmarca quotes from https://pmarchive.com/guide_to_career_planning_part3.html
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