Jason Crawford pfp

Jason Crawford


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Jason Crawford pfp
Jason Crawford
The Techno-Humanist Manifesto, Chapter 2: The Surrender of the Gods (part 1) The story of progress is a story of the expansion of human agency https://blog.rootsofprogress.org/thm-ch2-the-surrender-of-the-gods-part-1
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Jason Crawford pfp
Jason Crawford
The Techno-Humanist Manifesto, Chapter 1: Fish in Water Industrial civilization has become a victim of its own success: it has solved the problems of daily existence so thoroughly, and with such finesse, that the solutions and even the problems fade from our collective memory. https://blog.rootsofprogress.org/thm-ch1-fish-in-water
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Jason Crawford pfp
Jason Crawford
The Techno-Humanist Manifesto, Introduction: The Present Crisis Fear and skepticism of progress put us at risk of stagnation and decline. The defeatism that arose in the 20th century about the challenges of progress does not give us a way forward. We need a new philosophy of progress for the 21st century, and beyond https://blog.rootsofprogress.org/thm-introduction-the-present-crisis
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Jason Crawford pfp
Jason Crawford
Announcing The Techno-Humanist Manifesto, a book by me laying out my philosophy of progress: https://blog.rootsofprogress.org/announcing-the-techno-humanist-manifesto
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Jason Crawford pfp
Jason Crawford
The parental “we”: The royal “we” means “I”. The parental “we” means “you.” “Did we wash our hands?” “Let's pick up our toys!” “We need to go to bed now.” Etc.
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Jason Crawford pfp
Jason Crawford
Announcing Progress Conference 2024: Toward Abundant Futures Hosted by the Roots of Progress Institute, together with the Foresight Institute, HumanProgress, the Institute for Humane Studies, the Institute for Progress, and Works in Progress magazine Berkeley, Oct 18–19 rootsofprogress.org/conference
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Jason Crawford pfp
Jason Crawford
Today, The Roots of Progress officially becomes the Roots of Progress Institute (RPI). The new name represents the new identity we took on ever since we announced our first program last year, the Roots of Progress Fellowship. Announcement: https://rootsofprogress.org/new-name-and-logo-announcement/
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Jason Crawford pfp
Jason Crawford
What else do people call spades, anyway?
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Jason Crawford pfp
Jason Crawford
The application deadline for the the 2024 cohort of The Roots of Progress Blog-Building Intensive fellowship is Friday, June 7—just over a week away. If you want to apply, do it now: https://fellowship.rootsofprogress.org/programs/
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Jason Crawford pfp
Jason Crawford
Who has more freedom: a nomadic, tribal hunter-gatherer; or a modern citizen of industrial civilization? And why? Use whatever definition of “freedom” is most meaningful and important to you, and please explain your view.
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Jason Crawford pfp
Jason Crawford
The anti-humanism of the radical environmental movement is associated with the 1960s, but it was present in intellectual currents decades earlier. This is from c. 1948:
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Jason Crawford pfp
Jason Crawford
“One day your car may speed along an electric super-highway, its speed and steering automatically controlled by electronic devices embedded in the road” Advertisement in the Saturday Evening Post, 1950s
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Jason Crawford pfp
Jason Crawford
Why is it bad to “talk your book” but good to “put your money where your mouth is”
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Jason Crawford pfp
Jason Crawford
This is apparently what the CA high-speed rail project has built so far. “Nearly 1,600 feet long”
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Jason Crawford pfp
Jason Crawford
Today we’re opening applications for the 2024 cohort of The Roots of Progress Blog-Building Intensive, an 8-week program for aspiring progress writers to start or grow a blog. Get into a regular writing habit, improve your writing, and build your audience: https://fellowship.rootsofprogress.org/programs/
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Jason Crawford pfp
Jason Crawford
Three faulty assumptions people make when trying to understand the behavior of organizations: • Perfect internal communication • Perfect internal alignment • Perfect execution on strategy/plans If you assume these you will often be confused at the behavior of organizations.
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Jason Crawford pfp
Jason Crawford
Someone asked “What is your vision of abundance?” I said: Mastery over all aspects of nature: • Biology: cure disease & aging • Space: supersonic, flying cars, rockets • Matter: nanotech, megastructures • Energy: fusion, Dyson spheres • Information: AI, BCI • Environment: terraforming, climate control
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Jason Crawford pfp
Jason Crawford
If you're on Airchat, I've been doing an AMA there about progress https://www.air.chat/jasoncrawford
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Jason Crawford pfp
Jason Crawford
A feature in on the progress movement in Reason Magazine: “It celebrates humanity's achievements so far. It judges progress not in technocratic terms but with an eye on outcomes for individual human beings” https://reason.com/2024/04/06/progress-rediscovered/
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Jason Crawford pfp
Jason Crawford
Best $8 I ever spent: buying a kite for our two-and-a-half year old 🪁
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