Jarod 🪼 pfp

Jarod 🪼


83 Following

Jarod 🪼 pfp
Jarod 🪼
Thus however speaks avian wisdom: 'Lo, there is no above and no below! Throw yourself about, outward, backward, you light one! Sing! Speak no more! - Friedrich Nietzsche
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Jarod 🪼 pfp
Jarod 🪼
“The man behind the microscope has this advice for you: ‘Instead of asking what it is, Just ask, what does it do?’”
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Jarod 🪼 pfp
Jarod 🪼
; Though light fades, we do not disappear. Unseen, Unheard, we’re always here. In memories of those held dear ;
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Jarod 🪼 pfp
Jarod 🪼
👁️👁️ 💧💧
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Jarod 🪼 pfp
Jarod 🪼
Hand-drawn ✍️
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Jarod 🪼 pfp
Jarod 🪼
; The mystery of life isn't a problem to solve, but a reality to experienced - Søren Kierkegaard
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Jarod 🪼 pfp
Jarod 🪼
; you must face your failures, or be consumed by them.
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Jarod 🪼 pfp
Jarod 🪼
Prelim sketch for a new piece
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Jarod 🪼 pfp
Jarod 🪼
; drew up a piece for the nephew's bday. He's a big dino enjoyer.
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Jarod 🪼 pfp
Jarod 🪼
Hand drawn and digitally edited ✍️
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Jarod 🪼 pfp
Jarod 🪼
; if it haunts you, face it ;
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Jarod 🪼 pfp
Jarod 🪼
; "Our conception of the cosmos grows more complete at the same time that it recedes more beneath the surface of appearances." - Claude Bragdon
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Jarod 🪼 pfp
Jarod 🪼
"For the Logos on high plays, stirring the whole cosmos back and forth, as they will, into shapes of every kind." - Gregory Nazianzen
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Jarod 🪼 pfp
Jarod 🪼
; "For eternally and always there is only now, one and the same now; the present is the only thing that has no end.” - Alan Watts
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Jarod 🪼 pfp
Jarod 🪼
; "Your habits always come hunting after you. The self you construct will haunt you. A ghost wandering around in search of your body, eager to possess you. We are addicted to the self we construct." - Frank Herbert, Chapterhouse: Dune
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Jarod 🪼 pfp
Jarod 🪼
; "Man stands face to face with the irrational. He feels within him his longing for happiness and for reason. The absurd is born of this confrontation between the human need and the unreasonable silence of the world." - Albert Camus
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Jarod 🪼 pfp
Jarod 🪼
; Let your entropy free ;
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Jarod 🪼 pfp
Jarod 🪼
"To each soul belongs another world; to each soul is every other soul a back-world." - Friedrich Nietzsche
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Jarod 🪼 pfp
Jarod 🪼
Concept sketch & final
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Jarod 🪼 pfp
Jarod 🪼
; Stagnation ;
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