Jammin_CoYoTe pfp



91 Following

Jammin_CoYoTe pfp
someone build me an app that tells me the highest % cash back for places near my location using google maps. like tell me I get 4% cash back at mobile vs 2% cash back at sunoco both down the street
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Jammin_CoYoTe pfp
sora is wild. I can’t wait to try it. people thinking about Hollywood. im thinking about app use cases. So many thoughts for agents
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Jammin_CoYoTe pfp
someone build an app that you can upload a python file and it automatically converts to streamlit or vercel front end app
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Jammin_CoYoTe pfp
chatgpt crashing hard today. bullish for long term ai bearish because i need to use it rn
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Jammin_CoYoTe pfp
my anecdotal shill for $sol is that i was making transactions and collecting airdrops with less than $1 of $sol in my wallet. these were all done for pennies
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Jammin_CoYoTe pfp
im very excited about autonomous agents. glad projects are working on ai/crypto this like morpheus. capi portal is combining ai/crypto as well. so im excited to learn more about morpheus https://mor.org/fair-launch
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Jammin_CoYoTe pfp
are agents considered autonomous software?
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Jammin_CoYoTe pfp
easiest alpha is to get gemini credit card with % crypto back fundamentally sound token or meme coin during bear markets
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Jammin_CoYoTe pfp
I get frames are new and everyone is experimenting but are other people feeling like they’re a bit spammy in the timeline? see more frames than nothing else
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Jammin_CoYoTe pfp
engagement is much better on farcaster
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Jammin_CoYoTe pfp
excited to try out https://github.com/QuivrHQ/quivr
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Jammin_CoYoTe pfp
i think there should be standard front ends. the same way you link docs to google drive and it works you should be able to upload/link main dot py to a front end and it works. no apis
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Jammin_CoYoTe pfp
i think there should be standard front ends. the same way you link docs to google drive and it works you should be able to upload/link main.py to a front end and it works. no apis
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Jammin_CoYoTe pfp
i think there should be standard front ends. the same way you link docs to google drive and it works you should be able to upload/link main.py to a front end and it works. no apis
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Jammin_CoYoTe pfp
i think there should be standard front ends. the same way you link docs to google drive and it works you should be able to upload/link main.py to a front end and it works. no apis
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Jammin_CoYoTe pfp
need to figure out how to add ens to godaddy for capi portal. can’t do it through mobile app. i will try on my laptop later. im very interest to see its use cases. and i would love to see expansion to .sol
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Jammin_CoYoTe pfp
@dwr.eth how do you create a second account (eg personal and business)? i read the docs and still don’t understand
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Jammin_CoYoTe pfp
im no longer using telegram. actually i’ve never used to. sooooo I will continue not to respond, especially anything critical
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Jammin_CoYoTe pfp
acquired capiportal.eth and capiportal.sol . just the start
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Jammin_CoYoTe pfp
phantom ux is smooth af, especially its mobile capabilities, and becoming my go to wallet
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