Manuel pfp
We will ALWAYS fall back to old ways. Wants privacy -> goes to Web3 … nope. XTMP + public blockchain = no privacy + spam based on onchain data. Full circle. You don’t need to know someone’s personal info to invade their privacy. And people are excited about it! I hope I’m wrong. Tell me I’m wrong.
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Jacob pfp
I believe XMTP messages are encrypted and you can filter spam at the client level But this is a great discussion topic 💡⚡️ cc: @shanemac.eth @polmaire.eth @accountless.eth
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Manuel pfp
I could have used a better term than “spam”. I mean any communication from a brand. Brands that adopt Web3 like Nike or Starbucks have a ton of information about our “Web3 selves” because of the blockchain. And now they can message us with ads based on that. And even sell it for their affiliates to message us
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Jacob pfp
True, but you'll need a web interface to see those messages, and you can allowlist senders But I see your point Curious what others think about the longer arc of this challenge
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Manuel pfp
You won’t need a web interface since it’s built in to Coinbase wallet. There definitely could be some allowlist-like features. I hope there is. But knowing Web3, there won’t be any regulations for other wallets using a similar solution. Maybe GDPR will extend to wallets? That would be ideal.
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pol pfp
This is both a problem and an opportunity. 1/ this spam problem will be fixed at protocol level with economics and at client level with UX / filtering. It is also an opportunity because clients can use this data in order to recommend relevant people to talk to.
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pol pfp
2/ you can also create a very new wallet and only share it with people you trust (like a telephone number today). There's very little chance to have spam this way.
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Manuel pfp
Continued from above…I don’t trust any company in web2 when it comes to being confident they won’t share my info. But I share the info out of necessity. I don’t see how Web3 can fix this when their company operations and partnerships and other offchain activities are not known.
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iSpeakNerd pfp
Account abstraction with smart contract wallets allow users to rotate wallet addresses while controlled from same owner. So you can easily move between addresses if you're concerned about privacy breeches. Or use a different address with each provider so they don't have account history to track
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Manuel pfp
Ok this starts to get interesting. Could all of those accounts be linked to a single ID…maybe one that uses ZK so no one knows it and no one can send messages to it? Or even a zk wallet where brands can’t see the address, and therefore can’t send it to their affiliates?
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iSpeakNerd pfp
That's the holy grail ✔️ Idk the technical details but ya hashed or masked private master key that serves as signing key auth for other accounts @jamesyoung been working on some stuff at collabland
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jamesyoung.eth pfp
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Jacob pfp
Do you think we've reached the point where users that build followings on DeSo can *exit* ? For instance, you can send a message to wallets linked to Farcaster accounts It's probably not as good / comprehensive as an email list What other features do you think are necessary?
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jamesyoung.eth pfp
I think of DeSo as an extension of web2 - where your audience/community is anchored in web3. An inflection point occurs when networks are portable across platforms. If game theory is right, the first web2 platform that succumbs will domino the rest - waiting for an over the hill social platform to “Hail Mary”.
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Jacob pfp
Really interesting đź’ˇ So you think a Web2 platform will enable some *export followers* functionality? It would need to be opt in, but it's doable and plausible
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iSpeakNerd pfp
idk what incentive would make them enable people to exit tho, entire web2 model is to lock people into your garden
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Jacob pfp
It would need to be the weakest platform breaking away from the party line 🤔
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jamesyoung.eth pfp
we are seeing brands come in trying to partner with web3 communities. Incentives done correctly show the wei - 4337 token paymaster experiments incoming!
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Jacob pfp
Cool, cast about them when you see them pls 🙏 interested in following this thread (no pun intended)
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Manuel pfp
Same! @jamesyoung it would be great if you could keep us updated on this. Or at least point us to the telegrams or communities where we can stay up to date ourselves
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jamesyoung.eth pfp
your ask is my cast 🫶
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Manuel pfp
Love ya
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