James pfp
On the Benefits of Reading When you read, your mind often drifts into realms of imagination or gets lost in a maze of thoughts. Sometimes, you find yourself stuck on a single paragraph, rereading it five times because your eyes get trapped, like a jeep in the sand. In those moments, instead of following the text, your brain begins to weave new associations, ideas, observations, and mental images. This mental noise in your head—that’s where the true benefit of reading lies! It’s precisely for these moments of thought that reading is worthwhile. When you're absorbed in your own thoughts, you're less likely to be surprised or to come up with something new. But when you follow the trail of another person's thoughts, your mind ventures onto unfamiliar paths. This unconventional mental journey can lead you to landscapes you might never have reached on your own, or at least not for another five years. Reading is essential for developing the mind. Or, of course, you could ignore all this and just
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James pfp
Reading is essential for developing the mind. Or, of course, you could ignore all this and just mindlessly scroll through your phone—that’s entirely up to you.
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