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James McComish pfp
James McComish
If you had to add a rule to chess to make it more interesting, what would it be? I’d say if you land 2 of your matching pieces on a square you combine them into one more powerful piece. Eg both knights -> rook. Both rooks -> queen
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Brad Connell pfp
Brad Connell
Stalemate = loss for the king that can’t move.
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James McComish pfp
James McComish
Interesting, I guess that king is usually the one that’s down in the game. But I do like that you still need to checkmate to win - kinda like tennis where you can’t just rely on them messing up, you still have to play to win when winning
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Brad Connell pfp
Brad Connell
If you think of chess as a metaphor for war, what happens to a king when his kingdom is seized and surrounded? It’s certainly not a draw, unless he’s being drawn and quartered!
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