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James McComish pfp
James McComish
I got about 80 pages into Dune and gave up, just didn’t find it so interesting… anyone else? Seeing a lot of hype recently so might give it another try
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John pfp
I read it decades ago and loved it. I tried to reread it more recently and gave up. I found too boring compared other newer sci fi that has come out since then. It's a classic for sure, but I don't deny that it's hard to get into. Personally I found the prequels to be more engaging
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Dogan pfp
Same here.
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Hugo HIRING ✦⁺ pfp
Hugo HIRING ✦⁺
I read it randomly on a flight years ago after buying it from an airport bookstore, and loved it. Imo books are quite personal, and if you don't like it then that's totally fine
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