Jam ☀️ pfp

Jam ☀️


151 Following

Jam ☀️ pfp
Jam ☀️
I built a simple web dApp for transacting USDC/USDT on Polkadot Asset Hub, allowing fee payments in USDC/USDT via Chrome wallet extensions. Currently, there are issues with the Polkadot.js extension; please use the Talisman wallet instead. The project is open source! https://shih.app/blog/mobypay
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Jam ☀️ pfp
Jam ☀️
I've created a mobile wallet for Polkadot Asset Hub USDC/USDT stablecoins. Transfer USDT/USDC and pay fees on Polkadot Asset Hub without DOT. It's a PWA, installable from Safari. Still early in development, so use with caution! https://mobypay.cc
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Jam ☀️ pfp
Jam ☀️
挖到寶! Found a hidden gem on the internet. Who's up for a Stupid Shit Hackathon in Taipei? Let's get together and create projects that are "terrible, useless, horrifying, and probably should have never been made." 😆 https://bostonstupidhackathon.com/
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Jam ☀️ pfp
Jam ☀️
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Jam ☀️ pfp
Jam ☀️
POAP should add support for Polkadot
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Jam ☀️ pfp
Jam ☀️
Hey, thank you all for coming to the very first /taipei channel meetup during ETHTaipei. It was an honor to meet some fellow casters IRL. Also, thank you @hww and @vitalik.eth for the surprise visit 😄. @karmentruong and I have created a POAP for this event. If you would like one, please DM me your ETH address or ENS
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Jam ☀️ pfp
Jam ☀️
Polkadot at ETHTaipei!
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Jam ☀️ pfp
Jam ☀️
Repping Polkadot at ETHTaipei!
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Jam ☀️ pfp
Jam ☀️
https://events.xyz/d6f52674 Hello fellow Taiwan casters we will have a /taipei meetup on 3/21 from 14:00-16:00 at Daan Park Metro Coffee 😊
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Jam ☀️ pfp
Jam ☀️
https://events.xyz/d6f52674 Thank you @matthew for the awesome @event frame
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Jam ☀️ pfp
Jam ☀️
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Jam ☀️ pfp
Jam ☀️
Here’s the link to join the Taipei Casters Farcaster group chat https://warpcast.com/~/group/QEefGzbqLrnqXpPzglgvqQ
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Jam ☀️ pfp
Jam ☀️
Warp is probably the best digital community currency so far. I hope one day I can use Warp 'offline' like Dulan's MiBi. https://youtu.be/jcqveTuqCuA?si=5FqcphIcSzrYtCtN
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Jam ☀️ pfp
Jam ☀️
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Jam ☀️ pfp
Jam ☀️
It usually takes 4 years for something to go from scratch to mainstream, and another 4 years to become a trend in Asia.
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Jam ☀️ pfp
Jam ☀️
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Jam ☀️ pfp
Jam ☀️
A warm Farcaster welcome to @forestcancan!
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Jam ☀️ pfp
Jam ☀️
Should we do a Farcaster meetup during ETHTaipei 2024?
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Jam ☀️ pfp
Jam ☀️
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Jam ☀️ pfp
Jam ☀️
Road to Farcaster Taiwan channel 240/2500
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