James Samuel pfp
James Samuel
The advantages of modern systems tend to be cancelled out as we become increasingly dependent on them. ~ Ivan Illich What systems have we become increasingly dependent on? Well one I’m painfully aware of is the industrial food system - from seed to soil to harvest to processing, and distribution.
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James Samuel pfp
James Samuel
He saw this pattern playing out even in the institutions that we associate with fundamental social goods: beyond a certain point, he argued, schooling makes our societies more ignorant, hospitals (and industrial food) make us sick, and prisons create criminality.
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James Samuel pfp
James Samuel
Until quite recently, all human communities had the capacity to construct their own homes, grow their own food and care for their own sick. Today, we need large-scale systems to do all this for us and life without these systems soon becomes unimaginable, or imaginable only as a source of horror.
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