James McComish pfp

James McComish


460 Following

James McComish pfp
James McComish
gf is moving to Warsaw this year! She’s Spanish so is worried about depressing weather, and has lived in London for years so is afraid of getting bored… any comforting words of what it’s actually like living there? Seen some good things in media recently but have never been
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James McComish pfp
James McComish
A lot happening in the @safe world recently - big announcements coming soon!
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James McComish pfp
James McComish
Huge (counterfactual) win for 🇪🇺🇪🇺🇪🇺 https://x.com/mcguinnesseu/status/1780317557670674926?s=46&t=CyOHq4HGCXPeZEzAGk1aNw
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James McComish pfp
James McComish
4 page form to update my email for HMRC 👍 👍 👍 👍 👍 👍
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James McComish pfp
James McComish
I like the idea of tip coins as a way to reward content / tokenise attention etc. But when the mechanics are so intrusive it gets annoying - feel like the public facing ‘here’s X $Y’ under every post distracts from the content and I can’t wait for it to pass
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James McComish pfp
James McComish
Couldn’t think of any other movie -> book conversions so had a look… Beyond Alien and The Omen some of these sound like they’d be awful as books!
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James McComish pfp
James McComish
If I had tips from the past months but didn't claim them, what happens? They should have been to my connected Farcaster account right? Not sure if I was supposed to claim them by a certain time... oops
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James McComish pfp
James McComish
Has anyone deployed a proxy contract on Base Sepolia and had it verify on Basescan? I have factory and implementation contracts which are both verified. I deploy a proxy and it all seems to go fine, but I can't get it verified - using either Basescan UI or API
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James McComish pfp
James McComish
Presenting our project building on @base and @safe over the weekend! https://ethglobal.com/showcase/spc-wallet-service-xn68p
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James McComish pfp
James McComish
Will be at @ethglobal in London this weekend with @peterferguson.eth We’re building on Safe so come say hello if you’re around!
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James McComish pfp
James McComish
If anyone is testing Safe contracts with Foundry, this lib from @colinrives makes life so much easier. Really convenient setup / execution functions https://github.com/colinnielsen/safe-tools
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James McComish pfp
James McComish
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James McComish pfp
James McComish
I got about 80 pages into Dune and gave up, just didn’t find it so interesting… anyone else? Seeing a lot of hype recently so might give it another try
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James McComish pfp
James McComish
Anyone track their sleep on a flight before? This is my attempt during a 10h flight earlier.. time shifted 6h, so think it was between 0000-0600 Looks awful but feeling surprisingly ok
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James McComish pfp
James McComish
A module which allows a @safe to track contributions from it's members on the Dagon singleton from @z0r0z. The Safe can set an exchange rate for each token they want to track. Currently supports native and ERC20 contributions via transferFrom. https://github.com/jamesmccomish/dagon-safe-module
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James McComish pfp
James McComish
Some say the queue for @cdixon.eth was longer than the queue for Kennedy… Thanks for the book @a16zcrypto 🫡
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James McComish pfp
James McComish
Arriving this Thursday but haven't had a chance to book anything yet - open to suggestions! Also, any update on the Farcaster meetup?
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James McComish pfp
James McComish
If this cast works I think image casts are broken - been trying (iOS and web) and it wouldn't post
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James McComish pfp
James McComish
Is it possible Warpcast is losing my followed accounts? A few times this week I’ve landed on a profile I’m 99% sure I followed before… am I just imagining it? I know old reactions etc got dropped
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James McComish pfp
James McComish
EIP-7212 made it to Mumbai testnet last week 🎉 It's a major advance for AA wallets who can now verify passkey signatures onchain for comparable gas costs to ecrecover! Here is a simple site which lets you create a passkey, sign a message, and call the shiny new precompile! https://eip-7212-test.web.app/
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