Jacob Kerr pfp

Jacob Kerr


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Jacob Kerr pfp
Jacob Kerr
I’m writing down a list of tips/behaviors for high performance operating. E.g. Close the loop. If you say you’re going to do something — do it. And then tell the person you did it.” What are your best high-performance operating behaviors?
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Jacob Kerr pfp
Jacob Kerr
Who are the best recruiters in crypto? (Bonus points if they’re a founder)
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Jacob Kerr pfp
Jacob Kerr
I'm looking for the *best* designer that wants to help shape tools and products for the entire crypto industry. I'm open to folks who want to chat -- either as candidates or for networking purposes. Who should I talk with?
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Jacob Kerr pfp
Jacob Kerr
The crypto ecosystem is so small ... your reputation goes very very far. When recruiting for certain roles, particularly senior/exec and highly specialized technical roles ... the real strategy is to just network your way to the elite talent and nerdsnipe them on your problem space.
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Jacob Kerr pfp
Jacob Kerr
A great marketing lead for dev tool company is on the market -- anyone looking for their next Head of Marketing?
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Jacob Kerr pfp
Jacob Kerr
My experience so far: - Demand for web3 talent is up through Q1. - Most open roles: product/eng/design and GTM (BizDev + marketing). - Supply of talent entering web3 is flat; web2 talent hard to attract. The next 3-6 months will be a slog until crypto gets back into mainstream and we see an influx of new talent.
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Jacob Kerr pfp
Jacob Kerr
How does everyone do their crypto taxes?
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Jacob Kerr pfp
Jacob Kerr
A friend is a McKinsey consultant but obsessed with crypto, very degen and gets the tech at a deep level. Today is his last day at the firm, and he’s going to be looking for a BizOps role in the space soon. Who’s hiring?
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Jacob Kerr pfp
Jacob Kerr
Talking with web2 recruiter friends that say hiring is easier in web2 than web3 (higher response rates to emails, easier closing). Why is it harder to recruit for web3? How do we make web3 an attractive place to build a career for more people?
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Jacob Kerr pfp
Jacob Kerr
Catching up with an old friend after a long period away can be one of the most energizing and eye-opening experiences 🙏
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Jacob Kerr pfp
Jacob Kerr
Are you negotiating to win a deal? Or are you negotiating to align with the party on the other side? The outcomes can end up being similar or different … but the approach says a lot about what you’ll be like to work with.
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Jacob Kerr pfp
Jacob Kerr
Through the bear market, I think founders / hiring managers got accustomed to being able to name a relatively fair market price and close candidates. Going forward, I do not think this will work. Bull market leads to competition, and just paying standard rates will mean you are not aggressive enough.
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Jacob Kerr pfp
Jacob Kerr
The energy in SF crypto circles has been picking up momentum the last few weeks - real products are emerging, folks are coming out to learn more about the latest open-source tooling, and people are eager to connect, share, and learn. There's an infectious optimism for 2024
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Jacob Kerr pfp
Jacob Kerr
Reminder/PSA: You are in the montage! Today, right now, is the highlight reel. Whether it's up or down (day, week, month, or even year) ... this is the montage. You'll look back with fondness and appreciation, even if right now is hard and painful. ht Andy: https://youtu.be/ujJQyhB0dws?si=8PKh2zRNI47Gw4zi
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Jacob Kerr pfp
Jacob Kerr
What's one thing you can look back and say "thank god I did X in 2023?" What do you expect that to be in 2024?
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Jacob Kerr pfp
Jacob Kerr
For founders that have built out a strong early team -- how did you identify those first 5-10 hires? What channels did you try, and which did you find most effective?
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