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One observation about Polymarket is that most of the things you can bet on are relatively short-term. The longest term bets I've seen are things like "Will _____ happen in 2025?" It would be interesting to see some longer term bets like 3-5 year or even decade away predictions. "Will _____ happen by 2030?"
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Ayush Garg
i also think there should be an easy way to lock your predictions with a timestamp that you can reveal later whenever you deem fit
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Antidote 🎩
I would love to bet on some long-term stuff with great odds like "will Barron Trump be president in 30 years"
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hard to bet on things longer than a year or two in dollars. need btc markets or yield generating usd.
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max 🎩🚂
I think I've seen bets for things happening by 2030 The issue with those is liquidity, to win the bet you need to wait 5 years lol, not a good investment Since the moment you buy you can't sell unless in a loss or wait for the market to push the buy order book up significantly
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That’s why I’ve been liking /kramer no/low theta to worry about
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JR ↑
I think we can still swing the vote in Germany towards AfD 🫢 (There’s totally gonna be many more interesting bets in the future where swinging a vote costs less than what you make in markets)
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