Very wide variance on my casts recently. In terms of the subject matter I mean. And to some degree the style. I don’t think that’s a good strategy for engagement purposes. But it what I like to do. The internet rewards people who stick to a niche, I know. Problem is I have a lot of different thoughts about a lot of different things and I’m not too eager to only share some of them from one area and none of them from the others just for the sake of engagement. In some sense the way I do it is the ultimate niche because it’s the unique combination of all of my interests. But that’s not the kind of niche that does well on the internet. It has to be more legible than that. Simple and quick to download. “Oh yea, he’s the ______ guy.” Some people even self-identify that way in their bio, “The ______ Guy.” A bit cringy to me but to each their own and I respect the hustle. Imagine that on a tombstone “The ______ Guy.” What an oversimplification of a complex human being that would be.
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