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jahswill.eth đź‘ľ


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jahswill.eth đź‘ľ
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jahswill.eth đź‘ľ pfp
jahswill.eth đź‘ľ
Waves curl with strength and grace, Reflecting life’s journey, setting the pace. In its rise, a lesson told, To face the future, brave and bold. From the depths it gathers might, Charging forward, chasing light. Yet in its crest, it soon must break, A gentle fall, a path to take. Life, like waves, has highs and lows, Moments of calm, and times it throws. But every crash brings wisdom clear, Embrace each change, without fear. For in the ebb, and in the flow, Lessons of resilience grow. Ride the wave, both fierce and grand, For life’s true beauty lies in its hand. 🖊️ Jahswill
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jahswill.eth đź‘ľ
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jahswill.eth đź‘ľ pfp
jahswill.eth đź‘ľ
We're currently in internal testing ... I just won 100 $DEGEN in Gate of Degen! @degengate
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jahswill.eth đź‘ľ pfp
jahswill.eth đź‘ľ
A weathered path to nowhere’s end, Wooden planks that time won’t mend. Silent whispers from the sea, Teach us life’s uncertainty. Horizons blur in grayscale light, Lessons learned in the twilight. Every step on paths unknown, Shows the seeds that time has sown. Each worn plank, a bridge to cross, Guides us through both gain and loss. In the stillness, wisdom gleams, In the quiet, find your dreams. Though the way may seem unsure, Every journey helps us mature. Embrace the path, both rough and smooth, For in the journey, life finds its groove. 🖊️ Jahswill
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jahswill.eth đź‘ľ
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jahswill.eth đź‘ľ pfp
jahswill.eth đź‘ľ
Through the lens, the world reframed, A dance of light, a view unclaimed. Horizon’s edge in focus brought, A tiny universe in thought. Mountains whisper to the sea, Boundless beauty, wild and free. In this circle, clarity finds, A deeper truth that binds our minds. Hold this moment, small yet vast, A fleeting glimpse, forever cast. In the heart, where visions blend, New perspectives find their end. 🖊️Jahswill
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jahswill.eth đź‘ľ
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jahswill.eth đź‘ľ pfp
jahswill.eth đź‘ľ
At dawn’s soft blush, a soul takes flight, Perched on dreams in morning’s light. A world of whispers, clouds below, In solitude, the heart can grow. Between the earth and sky’s embrace, A moment’s peace, a sacred place. In the quiet, where thoughts are free, The horizon whispers of eternity. Wrapped in hues of pink and gold, Silent stories yet untold. In this stillness, strength is found, A fleeting touch of the profound. 🖊️ Jahswill
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jahswill.eth đź‘ľ
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jahswill.eth đź‘ľ pfp
jahswill.eth đź‘ľ
SWITZERLAND!🇨🇭 Beneath the castle’s watchful gaze, A village dreams in sunlit haze. Painted whispers, rooftops bright, Embrace Switzerland’s gentle light. Rolling hills in emerald dress, Cradle homes in soft caress. Countryside charm, a peace unfurled, A hidden corner of the world. Rivers whisper tales of old, Mountains guard with hearts so bold. In this city’s embrace, we find, A timeless beauty, soul entwined. 🖊️ Jahswill
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jahswill.eth đź‘ľ
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jahswill.eth đź‘ľ pfp
jahswill.eth đź‘ľ
In a glass vessel, dreams softly rest, A fragile dandelion, in twilight dressed. Captured stardust, a moonlit breath, Silent whispers of life’s gentle quest. Softly it stands, with seeds of flight, A beacon of hope in the fading light. Each delicate thread, a story untold, Woven with wishes, in dusk’s soft gold. The night descends, a velvet embrace, Cradling the blossom with tender grace. Light dances through, a shimmering glow, As shadows deepen, and breezes flow. In this moment, stillness speaks, Of silent journeys and hidden peaks. A single bloom, yet vast as the sea, Holding the essence of eternity. Time pauses here, in nature’s sigh, Where dreams are born and never die. In the quiet, where the heart can see, The magic of what life can be. So let your spirit, like these seeds, soar, On whispers of wonder, forevermore. For in the twilight’s gentle sway, Hope and dreams will find their way. 🖊️ Jahswill
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jahswill.eth đź‘ľ
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jahswill.eth đź‘ľ pfp
jahswill.eth đź‘ľ
In twilight’s tender embrace, a sentinel stands, Crimson whispers weave through twilight strands. Under a velvet sky, where dreams take flight, Emerald fields drink in the fading light. Sun’s last kiss, a lover’s gentle sigh, Caresses the lone guardian, rooted in sky. Its branches, like arms, reach for the unseen, In the hush of dusk, a silent serene. A canvas of colors, nature’s soft prayer, Brushes of gold trace the evening air. A solitary figure, shadowed grace, Whispers of stories in a twilight place. Roots entwined in earth’s deep lore, Witness to whispers of days of yore. Leaves, like secrets, in the breeze they twirl, In the arms of night, they softly unfurl. In the quiet, where the heart finds peace, A moment of stillness, where sorrows cease. A beacon of hope in twilight’s wane, A promise that beauty will always remain. So let your spirit, like this tree, be free, Rooted in dreams, reaching for eternity. Embrace the dusk, the silent sway, For in the quiet, night turns to day.
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jahswill.eth đź‘ľ pfp
jahswill.eth đź‘ľ
WHISPERS IN IRIDESCENCE!! In the heart of twilight’s sigh, Where day and dreams converge, A feathered whisper paints the sky, In hues where secrets merge. Emerald whispers kiss the dawn, With sapphire tales entwined, A silent song on breezes drawn, Through colors undefined. In the eye of twilight’s grace, A world of wonders gleams, Echoes of an ancient place, Woven into dreams. Feathered fingertips of light, Brush strokes soft and grand, Gilding shadows in their flight, A dance of nature’s hand. Beyond the vibrant tapestry, Lies a tender, hidden glow, A glimpse of love’s own mastery, In the dawn’s soft, gentle flow. Each strand a whispered, silken thread, In a story left unsaid, A symphony where colors wed, In harmony they’re spread. So in the quiet of the morn, With the feathered dawn’s embrace, Find the beauty, softly born, In nature’s tender grace. 🖊️Jahswill
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jahswill.eth đź‘ľ pfp
jahswill.eth đź‘ľ
IN THE GARDEN’S EMBRACE Behind a wall of ivy, in a world all its own, Lies a secret garden where beauty has grown. Flowers bloom brightly in a vivid display, Their colors a symphony, vibrant and gay. The air is perfumed with jasmine and rose, A sweet, gentle fragrance that softly bestows. A weathered bench rests beneath cherry’s bloom, Pink petals descending like delicate flume. A fountain stands bubbling with a serene, calming sound, Its waters a haven where peace can be found. Butterflies dance in a whimsical flight, Adding charm to this haven, a pure, lovely sight. In this hidden oasis, time seems to slow, Nature’s magic abounds, its wonders on show. Here in the garden, where tranquility stays, Hearts find their solace in nature’s sweet praise.
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jahswill.eth đź‘ľ pfp
jahswill.eth đź‘ľ
In the heart of the city, where life rushes past, Lies a sanctuary of stories, a relic of the past. A forgotten bookstore, with shelves worn and old, Holds tales of adventure, of love, and of gold. Dust dances in sunlight through windows stained bright, Casting rainbows on pages, a whimsical light. Each book, a treasure, with secrets to tell, In this haven of quiet, where old stories dwell. The scent of aged paper, of leather and ink, Invites you to linger, to pause and to think. Among whispering pages, where time stands still, You wander and wonder, with heart and with will. In corners and nooks, memories reside, Of readers and dreamers, who sat side by side. Their laughter, their whispers, still echo the halls, In this timeless enclave, within ancient walls. So come, take a moment, to breathe and explore, The worlds that are waiting behind each creaky door. In this bookstore forgotten, but never alone, Find the warmth of a story, find a place to call home.
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