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jacob pfp
If I had to suggest only one short term focus after L2 it would be funding and generalizing the Punks+ work by @cr. Show up to the website and start a canon DAO for any existing project.
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CBobRobison pfp
We're happy to help contribute to the generalized Collection+ effort
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defijesus.eth pfp
an interesting feature missing is people bringing their own punks and getting the same punk on the new DAO Even tho the rarities might change in the builder version (as inflation exists) people still get the same jpeg Am willing to implement that as I will be user #1 with the buzzed bears
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Neokry pfp
the issue is it only works for projects with fully onchain art I think. for ex bayc you don’t even have the individual traits anywhere just the resulting generations from yuga stored on ipfs.
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