Jesse Pollak 🔵 pfp
Jesse Pollak 🔵
it is remarkable how fast Ethereum L2s are growing (1) in the depths of a bear market; (2) before fees reduce 10x via 4844. h/t @msilb7
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jacob pfp
What’s most of the activity? DeFi protocols?
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Jesse Pollak 🔵 pfp
Jesse Pollak 🔵
mostly DeFi
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Coulter pfp
Believe so, anecdotally a lot of my friends/network are using L2s or building on L2s now. Though the cynical person will say it’s because people are just trying to get the *potential* Arbitrum airdrop
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Shashank  pfp
suspect it’s few apps that really dominate activity on l2s reddit -> polygon gmx / treasure -> arbitrum
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