Jack.top pfp



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Jack.top pfp
If modular is the best way to scale, why didn't we going for that approach off the bat? It seems like it's more a case of "we wanted to scale the L1 but it doesn't work well enough for ethereum so we went down the modularity route" and maybe it will turn to be the best approach generally, we'll see.
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Jack.top pfp
If wallet balances on various L2's are abstracted away, how will the wallet determine which chain to take the balances from? e.g i have: 0.1 eth on L1 0.1 on OP 0.06 on Base 0.3 on Arbitrum I'm about to do a transaction on Eth L1 for 0.2eth, where does it take the remainder from?
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Jack.top pfp
Does solana have any fully on chain nft collections? Is that a thing that is possible on solana?
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Jack.top pfp
Could Farcaster be used to make a kind of mini blogging platform dedicated to longer form casts? Say post have to have a minimum word count or something, like the opposite of twitter? That would be kind of cool. Almost like a place for reading articles or opinion pieces.
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Jack.top pfp
Testing testing, sending a cast from mobile on @super. 320 characters available is that more than warpcast? Or the same?
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Jack.top pfp
What are people's thoughts about Bittensor? Been reading up on it a little bit and it seems like it is a legit project. But is it a genuinely useful one with long term viability?
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Jack.top pfp
1/ Have been thinking about Blockchains, Eth L1 vs Alt L1 vs L2's a bit recently. What do i really ultimately want to use a blockchain for? For me it is the ability to have true control of my digital assets (i.e money) if i want to, with no bank or other third party having the ability to take that away from me.
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Jack.top pfp
I'm not very down with the kids these days
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Jack.top pfp
The major selling point of Ethereum is it is more decentralized and more secure than others. And chains that optimise for scale are disparaged ("Sqlana!"). Yet to scale we have accepted the L2 approach, and therefore, significantly in most cases currently, lower security. Are Solana type trade offs acceptable now?
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Jack.top pfp
How come we never hear about "on chain art" on Solana? I would have thought it would be much more viable on Solana than Eth or Bitcoin given the lower transaction fees. Is it something that isn't possible on solana? Or perhaps there is loads of it that i just haven't come across? What's the deal?
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Jack.top pfp
Can anyone explain Urbit to me? Stumbled across it recently and it looks interesting, but honestly I don't understand it even after reading through the website. I can see its an operating system, but that's about as far as I've got
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Jack.top pfp
Running with a hernia. Ok or naa?
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Jack.top pfp
Potential UX pitfalls of layer 2 scaling coming to the fore a bit here? https://twitter.com/litocoen/status/1717428071131971624?t=ejQ3tjsTooSlMfE2EA2E-A&s=19
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Jack.top pfp
Some non techie brain dump thoughts re eth and sol Eth: Good decentralization Good economics L2 scaling solution sacrifices (currently): Security Decent'n Ux Sol: Ok decent'n (not as gd as eth, better than eth L2's) Gd speed Gd cheap fees Gd UX Sacrifices: Cant run node from home affordably Not as good economics
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Jack.top pfp
What are the chances of Alonso replacing Perez next year? Very low I guess but would be great to see.
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Jack.top pfp
😭😭😭 can devs do something
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Jack.top pfp
If Eth user experience gets solved by abstracting away which chain you're using, doesn't that essentially make using ethereum trust based, because you won't know if the L2 ur using actually secures itself with ethereum in a decentralized way? Struggling to see how eth scales without losing it's trustlessness somewhat
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Jack.top pfp
How come these spam messages I receive on coinbase wallet appear to come from a null address or burn address or something like that?
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Jack.top pfp
I feel like over the last couple of months there has been a lot more Solana discussions appearing in my social media feeds. And prominent Eth figures actually acknowledging and starting to critique it. Is it starting to be taken seriously as a legitimate competitor to Ethereum do we think?
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Jack.top pfp
Just gained access to Farcaster on account of owning a Lil Noun πŸ˜€ woop woop
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