Jack Lhasa pfp
Jack Lhasa
# Making the World Better **This is the Moment** Cryptocurrency has a powerful ability to change the world of finance on a global scale. This is why governments fear it. Like any financial market, Cryptocurrencies have a high potential for abuse. This runs the full gambit: stealing of wallets. Wallet takeovers. Fake coin pumps. Ponzi schemes. Just a few examples. Unlike the fully entrenched legacy financial systems, crypto is still early in its lifespan, while being old enough to visibly be an undeniable force in global trade. This combination means that it is us who control crypto’s future. The people who are discussing, on a daily basis, the different aspects, use cases, methods of consumer benefit, bridging tokens across chains to increase longevity, ethics, transparency, security, decentralization, governance, ethical marketing practices, non-predatory loans, fair interest rates, non-discriminatory practices, universal access. Just a few examples.
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Jack Lhasa pfp
Jack Lhasa
Any place where crypto is discussed is responsible(at least in part) for the future of crypto. Lens and Farcaster are the platforms with the highest potential for individual users to influence crypto practices, and so we should always push for the goals that the market, and its users deserve. We have the ability to keep cryptocurrencies from being pulled into the banking industry’s highly abusive practices. At no other time in history, has there been such a time. Democracy can truly exist here. So can actual freedom, and serious ethics that insure equality, fair practices, non-discriminatatory practices, fair trade, value based on benefit, success in the markets that have been barred by the banking industry. Crypto can be ethical. It can benefit everyone equally.
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Jack Lhasa pfp
Jack Lhasa
And this scares the living shit out of traditional finance. It damn well should. We can do this better than they can. We can do this as a group of equals. The philosophy of banking is always most favorable to the wealthy. In other words, banks give the best treatment to those who need it the least. We don’t have to fall into these, frankly, shameful patterns and practices. Some groups are already working hard on what finance could be, freed from the 1000 years of banking regulations. Yet, there are also the wealthy who like things as they are, reaping benefits that they have no need of. We have a chance to remake finance. To give equal opportunity to everyone. We also have an enemy that does not want this to ever happen. Don’t ever let this information out of your mind. Support groups that practice finance ethically. Blackball groups that only give benefit to those who need it the least. We can change the world here. So, LFG!!! Let’s change the world. Who’s in for true financial freedom????
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Jack Lhasa pfp
Jack Lhasa
Jack Lhasa Https://exoteric.live jlhasa.eth exoteric.op.cast Please, make sure you are on the side of integrity, ethics, and opportunity. Thank you for reading. 👊🏼Solidarity👊🏼
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