jackcc pfp



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​woj pfp
@jc4p single handedly carrying the whole viral frames meta
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jacob pfp
Last traded in explore is now realtime in the @zora app and on web.
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jackcc pfp
3 月 14 日,据 HTX 行情数据,比特币突破 82,000 美元,24 小时跌幅 2.3%。
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jackcc pfp
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Cassie Heart pfp
Cassie Heart
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salvino armati pfp
salvino armati
jacob didn't do anything wrong
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Vitalik Buterin pfp
Vitalik Buterin
ok I'm actually not sure why you US people are now making rallies for monosodium glutamate and I'm not sure I want to find out
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jackcc pfp
慢雾余弦发文提醒称,Keystone X 账户被黑,当心其发布的任何信息(包括私信),谨防网络钓鱼攻击。
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Jason Rosenthal  pfp
Jason Rosenthal
I’m excited to announce the 21 startups we’ve selected to join our Crypto Startup Accelerator (CSX) Fall 2024 cohort, which starts this week. Over the next 8 weeks, they’ll get firsthand lessons from top crypto founders, receive guidance and support from @a16zcrypto’s investing and operating teams, and build connections with each other and the broader a16z network. The CSX Fall 2024 companies are coming to NYC from 11 different countries, and they’re building on every level of the crypto stack, including AI, DeFi, infrastructure, and consumer applications such as photo sharing and mapping. We’re thrilled to partner with each of these CSX companies on their journey to product market fit. https://a16zcrypto.com/posts/article/announcing-the-csx-fall-2024-cohort/
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Naomi pfp
im going to change things… i film a new workout every single morning the weather is getting pretty bad now that summer is over usually when the weather is bad i film at the gym ( which is often packed as the weather is bad lol ) this is making it harder to actually film daily and also just isn’t sustainable so… i have booked a studio space and will batch film workouts each week starting from tonight this gives me more time to film, edit and research and also the quality should be better too! i will still post a workout today but it will be later on and look a lil different! i hope this is okay ☺️
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jackcc pfp
Eigen Labs 宣布已任命原 Rio Network 联合创始人 Alan Curtis 为新任首席运营官(COO)。其工作内容将包括:推动整个行业再质押规模的增长;EigenLayer 经济模型的可读性;良好运营 Eigen Labs。 BlockBeats 此前报道,6 月 12 日,据官方消息,Eigen Labs 宣布收购流动性再质押网络 Rio Network。
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Naomi pfp
no gym membership and need to crush a workout? just head to walmart 🤣 cc @tomu @maretus challenge accepted 🤝🏾
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jackcc pfp
据行情数据,Catizen(CATI)于 Bitget 的盘前价格现报 0.0003699 美元,总成交额达 55.57 万美元。
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timbeiko.eth pfp
We wrapped up another ACDE earlier: you can find the agenda, recording and a full recap directly on EthMagicians 🧙‍♂️ Here are the main takeaways & next steps: https://ethereum-magicians.org/t/all-core-devs-execution-acde-195-august-29-2024/20910
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jackcc pfp
Deribit 亚太商务负责人 Lin Chen 于 X 发文表示,今日最大的 BTC 大宗期权:某用户购买了 11 月 8 日(美国大选结束日)6.5 万的看涨期权,共计 150 枚 BTC,支付了权利金 62.5 万美金。该用户长期看涨 BTC,预计大选前后会有一波利好消息释放,交割时价格高于 69700 美元即为盈利。
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jackcc pfp
马斯克在 X 发文表示:只想重申一下,这个平台确实是为了支持所有在国家法律范围内的观点,即使是那些我强烈反对和个人不喜欢的人的观点。 原文链接:https://x.com/elonmusk/status/1828238907340718467
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Chris Dixon pfp
Chris Dixon
Today we’re announcing that @a16zcrypto is leading an $80M Series B financing of PIP Labs, developer of @storyprotocol. Story is a blockchain protocol that allows creators to register their IP so they can track and monitor use, protecting their legal and economic rights. The goal is to create foundational infra that can underpin a new economic covenant between creators and platforms. The team behind Story has deep tech and creative expertise. CEO/cofounder @s-y-lee has impressed us with big-picture vision and world-class tactical execution. Cofounder @jasonzhao studied CS at Stanford, dove deeper into AI at DeepMind, and now leads technical development on Story. For AI systems and creative people to happily co-exist, creators need a modern way to ensure they get compensated for their work. Story takes a proven approach — IP law — and updates it for the age of AI. We are excited to support the Story team on this important mission. https://a16zcrypto.com/posts/article/investing-in-story
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micsolana pfp
at the risk of engaging in the folly of a "subtance demander," and making an actual point, what do you think will happen when you "force" a grocery store to sell their goods at a loss? they will charitably do so? or is it more likely they will simply stop selling that good?
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jackcc pfp
就在债券交易员愈发笃定通胀终于得到控制之际,一个投资者阵营正在悄悄建立防御性持仓,以防未来通胀飙升。这些基金经理正在建立头寸,以便发生通胀冲击时为固定收益回报提供缓冲。 华尔街策略师也建议,要趁基于市场的未来通胀指标下降之机建立防御性持仓。如今降息已是势在必行,经济衰退也取代通胀成为主要关切。 有投资者称,这一充满希望的消息推动基准债券收益率大幅走低,但一些人认为跌幅可能过大。“我们认为对经济衰退的担忧有些过头,但在目前的收益率水平,通胀风险可能被低估了,”摩根资产管理多资产策略主管 John Bilton 表示。 Bilton 称,鉴于“有些因素可能推高通胀”,对久期或利率风险敞口保持“大致中性”。
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Greg pfp
another 12 hour travel day to go from atlanta to new york (normally a 2 hour flight) 🫠🫠
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