Max Jackson ✨🎩 pfp
Max Jackson ✨🎩
I'm looking for work as a developer. Counting my losses on focusing on web3 full time, as my interests there are limited to NFTs and DAOs, and I'm not interested in boarding another sinking ship. Any advice as to where I should be looking for positions? Links to job boards, companies hiring, etc are appreciated!
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Jason — ⚪↑🎩🐹 pfp
Jason — ⚪↑🎩🐹
I feel that. I spent 1.5 years job searching to find a good fit with a mundane 9-5. Are you still employed rn?
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Max Jackson ✨🎩 pfp
Max Jackson ✨🎩
I am not employed. Left my last position in February. Been coasting on savings and selling my NFTs. cant do that too much longer 😓
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