Murdo pfp
My daughter is six weeks now and I feel like we’ve gotten a pretty good handle on the day-to-day stuff. I have another three months of parental leave. What advice or recommendations does parentcaster have for this unique period of time? Any regrets?
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Jason β€” πŸ€šπŸŽ©πŸ–πŸ”΅ ↑ pfp
Jason β€” πŸ€šπŸŽ©πŸ–πŸ”΅ ↑
This is around the beautiful moment where she begins to smile Big thing I learned was that this was a key landmark for when she begins to develop habits, especially around sleep What I wish I did at this point was prime my daughter to fall asleep on her own at this point. Saves you more sleepless nights down the road
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Murdo pfp
Interesting - any tactics for doing so?
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mk pfp
At several months, our daughter became dependent upon being held to sleep. It became a total disaster. After trying every strategy, we finally had to go through one insane cry out, but we were all better for it almost immediately after. We all slept better, including her.
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