Jabz | Web3 Lawyer pfp

Jabz | Web3 Lawyer


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Jabz | Web3 Lawyer pfp
Jabz | Web3 Lawyer
But is the world ready? Perhaps many citizens of non-Western countries would see the benefits Many in Western countries just don't They've been conditioned to trust their established institutions too much And they'll comply
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Jabz | Web3 Lawyer pfp
Jabz | Web3 Lawyer
I despise banks. After providing a sufficiently valid reason to withdraw cash (because "scams") And having broadcasted the amount I withdraw (because "double-checking") And being handed the money in plain sight without an envelope (because "liability") I've clearly emptied the bank of all cash they have left (because "safety")
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Jabz | Web3 Lawyer pfp
Jabz | Web3 Lawyer
At a my daughter's "best" friend's fifth birthday party Currently realising that I'm so detached from every other parent here And questioning how I'm going to survive this and future parties Being in crypto has clearly changed me too much
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Jabz | Web3 Lawyer pfp
Jabz | Web3 Lawyer
Eid Mubarak! This Eid is a reminder of the importance of improving oneself, coming together and helping those in need These values are also central to crypto. We're working to improve our financial situation, building communities and working to democratize access to a global financial system Let's not forget that!
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Jabz | Web3 Lawyer pfp
Jabz | Web3 Lawyer
PSA: Don't expect others to understand your hustle Not sure who needs to hear this But whatever it is you're going through or working on, accept this and let the results do the talking I've had to rebuild more times than I care to count but people still say "he got lucky"
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Jabz | Web3 Lawyer pfp
Jabz | Web3 Lawyer
There are two kinds of people: 1. the "sensible" ones who try to adapt themselves to the world around them 2. the "mad" ones who try to adapt the world to their own ideas of how it should be I choose mad. Wbu?
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Jabz | Web3 Lawyer pfp
Jabz | Web3 Lawyer
New project idea: Using blockchain to verify the authenticity + provenance of Court judgements Mentioned this to a couple of people last night Imagine the implications of fraudulently amended case law. You probably can't but I definitely can Would love to know if anyone is working on something like this
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Jabz | Web3 Lawyer pfp
Jabz | Web3 Lawyer
Crypto is complex and ever-evolving The same goes for regs that seek to apply to it. It's a labyrinth of legalities, where even I get lost But many founders just rest stay willingly naive Why not dive deeper? Challenge yourself to stay ahead of the game It's all about how you adapt for tomorrow
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Jabz | Web3 Lawyer pfp
Jabz | Web3 Lawyer
Saying that you're "chain agnostic" Is the crypto equivalent of saying "I have an [X] friend"
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Jabz | Web3 Lawyer pfp
Jabz | Web3 Lawyer
If you think the laws of a nation state are sound Then the fundamentals of web3 won't make much sense
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Jabz | Web3 Lawyer pfp
Jabz | Web3 Lawyer
People doubting NFTs are either naive or uninformed (or both!) NFTs will be used widely as an onchain representation of pretty much anything off chain - loyalty programs, assets, identity etc We just have to make sure we get the regulatory response right
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Jabz | Web3 Lawyer pfp
Jabz | Web3 Lawyer
If your "web3" lawyer doesn't know what it means to - be a degen, - have MM drained, - survive a few rugs, or - buy high and sell low then you need to get a new lawyer
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