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Timur Badretdinov pfp
Timur Badretdinov
✨ one-click NFT checkout ✨ is live the best possible UX to mint paid NFTs no wallet confirmations, no token approvals, no gas powered by @safe and @pimlico, all on @base as usual try it below
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Izzy 🎩 pfp
Izzy 🎩
So we need to send $DEGEN to the safe wallet? How do we figure out what that wallet addr is?
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Aaron Ho 🎩 φ pfp
Aaron Ho 🎩 φ
i (think) it appears when you click on the frame and it says not enough funds, then clicking on it again will open basescan of the safe address.. but i'm not 100% sure.
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Izzy 🎩 pfp
Izzy 🎩
600 $DEGEN Ah, good sleuthing! It worked. Thanks!
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Izzy 🎩 pfp
Izzy 🎩
If you mint it to the "safe" wallet I don't think it's possible yet. You'll need some interface created to "sign" the message with the account that owns the safe to transfer the NFT out somewhere else. Basically some sort of UI to manage your "bag".
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