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basil 🎩↑ pfp
basil 🎩↑
it’s crazy that in 2024, telescams still exist they employ hundreds of employees and pay rent on massive warehouses and still turn a profit? yes, ai, but most of them aren’t yet who’s still falling for this shit enough for them to call me 2-3 times a day? one successful scam must pay for a month of bills
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Kieran Daniels 🎩 🍖  pfp
Kieran Daniels 🎩 🍖
Enough people, sadly. They playbook is they mass spam people, but with something so obviously a scam that only true suckers will buy it. Then the only people who reply are prequalified to get pwnd. It usually the elderly :( The new new Im seeing is deepfake voice clones = scary
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Rch 🎩  pfp
Rch 🎩
law of large numbers i guess. one jackpot from 100 calls.
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Omishon 🐹ᖽ 🎩 pfp
Omishon 🐹ᖽ 🎩
no doubt its the elderly population who are mostly the target. A total shame. I don't know anyone of the younger generation who even bothers to answer the phone if its a number not in contacts.
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Onedayvk 🐹  pfp
Onedayvk 🐹
Thank you for the mint! 150 $Degen
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