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Acquiring a chick
A chick is a young chicken (from birth to 21 days), a broiler is a young hen (from 40 to 45 days). The male chicken to become a rooster will be from 7 months of age.
When we buy a chick we are thinking about its creation, growth and development.
Food as feed, care in handling, maintenance, hydration and control. It doesn't differ much from a conventional Pet, with the difference of being a production animal. You will have to check the animal's medication and health issues when purchasing the food at the food store, it is not expensive, as it is a small animal.
Buying a chick costs between R$5-20.00 reais, yes, it's cheap. But why? It's basically an egg that has been hatched, you understand an egg is cheap and a chick will be approximately that.
He will be able to feed on all his leftover food, but pay attention to his age, as in the first few days (if he is very young) he will need proteins (like insects). 0 reply
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