dlt.eth-Adam-DonatingCrypto.org pfp



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dlt.eth-Adam-DonatingCrypto.org pfp
I've been away from Warpcast for about 2 months - What have I missed? Is it still the nice place I remember? I went down a huge AI/Crypto rabbit hole on X recently and got lost there 🤣
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dlt.eth-Adam-DonatingCrypto.org pfp
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dlt.eth-Adam-DonatingCrypto.org pfp
Page 7
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dlt.eth-Adam-DonatingCrypto.org pfp
Page 5 & 6
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Page 3 & 4
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dlt.eth-Adam-DonatingCrypto.org pfp
Morning everyone - I've just had this shared internally. This is a great 7 page document for a factual and widely accepted status of the current situation from all of these non-profits - I hope it helps!
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dlt.eth-Adam-DonatingCrypto.org pfp
Source: https://www.rescue.org/eu/report/irc-italy-august-2024-protection-monitoring-report-people-arriving-land-balkan-route-trieste
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dlt.eth-Adam-DonatingCrypto.org pfp
Some real data to help make sense of any political narratives we see play out in Europe...
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dlt.eth-Adam-DonatingCrypto.org pfp
Additional reflection from IRC Italy team: Despite official sources reporting a sharp reduction in migratory flows along the Balkan route (with Frontex indicating a 79% decrease in transits in the first nine months of 2024 compared to 2023), the arrival of migrants in Trieste has not seen a significant decline. Data collected by IRC Italia and Diaconia Valdese at Trieste’s central station show that 10,424 individuals arrived between January and September 2024, only a slight decrease from the 12,190 arrivals in the same period of 2023 (-14%). The reduction is modest, leaving the needs of thousands of people in the city largely unchanged. These findings align with data from Slovenia, where the number of arrivals dropped by just 11% in the same timeframe compared to the previous year
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dlt.eth-Adam-DonatingCrypto.org pfp
Source for the above is: https://euaa.europa.eu/publications/latest-asylum-trends-mid-year-review-2024 Trieste Border Monitoring The IRC Italy program in Trieste at the Italo-Slovenian border served 2,032 clients in August (+34% compared to June), of which 28% were children. The three main nationalities of clients are Afghanistan (41%), TĂźrkiye/Kurdistan and Syria. 65% of the clients expressed that Italy was not their final destination and confirmed their wish to settle in another country, while 28% of them expressed their willing to stay in Italy. All the data is available on this snapshot, as a part of the monthly protection monitoring report done by the Trieste team.
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dlt.eth-Adam-DonatingCrypto.org pfp
Then when it comes to Europe (because we see similar narratives play out)... Stats from European Borders ===================== Overview of Asylum in Europe: The European Union Agency for Asylum published their Mid-Year Review for 2024, from January to June. The main take-aways are: - The EU+ received 513,000+ applications for asylum. - The recognition rate - which reflects the percentage of asylum applications that receive decisions granting refugee status and subsidiary protection – is 46%, the highest level since 2016. The top 4 nationalities for asylum seekers in 2024 are Syrians, Afghans, Venezuelans and Colombians. Under the Schengen Free Area in Spain, Venezuelan and Colombian nationals are not required to get a visa to stay in Spain, which means they could travel there through a legal pathway by plane and then ask for asylum. Germany remains the top country of asylum, with 24% of the total applications, but with a decrease (–20%) compared to 2023. Spain ranked 2nd & Italy 3rd
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dlt.eth-Adam-DonatingCrypto.org pfp
Guatemala tops the most common nationalities for the fiscal year with almost 21,000 nationals. Venezuela and Ecuadorian nationals come in a close second and third with 19,826 and 19, 153 individuals respectively. The top five listed counties include Miami-Dade (FL), Los Angeles (CA), Harris County (TX), Cook County (IL), and Queens County (NY). You can find further immigration court statistics here, including county-level data -> https://trac.syr.edu/phptools/immigration/ntanew/
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dlt.eth-Adam-DonatingCrypto.org pfp
The number of Cuban individuals arriving at the border this fiscal year was 150,995. Nationwide 217,615 Cubans were processed by DHS in FY24, including 66,620 as part of the CHNV Parole Program The number of Haitian nationals arriving at the border this fiscal year was 8,867. Nationwide 220,798 Haitians were processed by DHS in FY24, including 211,931 as part of the CHNV Parole Program and Haitian Family Reunification Program (HFRP). You can find further USG statistics related to the border here -> https://www.cbp.gov/newsroom/stats/southwest-land-border-encounters FY24 set a record with 1,762,725 new immigration court filings.
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dlt.eth-Adam-DonatingCrypto.org pfp
With the information and narratives that have been thrown, hope this data I've seen shared internally helps - I've provided sources for where you can find this data below also... Stats from the US-Mexico Border ======================== CBP (Customs & Border Protection) reported a total of 2,135,005 Southwest border encounters for FY24, a 25% decrease from FY23. The Tucson, San Diego and El Paso sectors rank among the top 3 sectors for encounters by Border Patrol in the fiscal year, with 463,567 encounters in Tucson, 324,260 in San Diego and 256,102 in El Paso. Mexican nationals are the largest nationality group with 35,951 encounters, despite an 18 % decrease in Q4. Ukraine, Venezuela and TĂźrkiye were the only country to have an increase in encounters + 94%, +18 % and +8 % this quarter. There were five countries with significant drops: Nicaragua (-176%); Ecuador (-151%); Brazil (-118); China (-66%); and Colombia (-60%).
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dlt.eth-Adam-DonatingCrypto.org pfp
Normally I don't post ABC - But one of our Senior Team was recently speaking about the implications on UNRWA and what happens on the ground - Especially the effect on how we & other big International NGO's work with UNRWA and what the fallout could be... https://abcnews.go.com/International/video/israels-voting-ban-unrwa-devastating-consequences-gaza-irc-115307105
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dlt.eth-Adam-DonatingCrypto.org pfp
Oh ps - If anyone is wondering what's going on in the photo, the above is water trucking being done by colleagues directly into communities, 100,000 litres of clean drinking water per day is being done - Water is just one piece of everything being done currently. "In Gaza, the IRC has deployed 12 teams of emergency medical personnel (EMTs) on a rotational basis; launched a Community-based Management of Acute Malnutrition program and delivered 1,700 cartons of Ready to Use Therapeutic Food to northern Gaza. We are distributing 100,000 liters of clean drinking water per day; have trained caregivers on Psychosocial Support, provided men, women and children with protection services and connected caregivers with the Ahlan Family Corner social media campaign, which provides tips and coping strategies. IRC is also working with thirteen local partners to deliver; Early Childhood Development, Child Protection, Women’s Protection and Empowerment, Health, Nutrition and Basic Needs and Wellbeing."
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dlt.eth-Adam-DonatingCrypto.org pfp
Thanks @samuellhuber.eth for the super quick reply!
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dlt.eth-Adam-DonatingCrypto.org pfp
1 of many hundreds of photos I'm seeing internally...This is within Gaza. Separately a Lebanon 4 page current situation report incoming later today from our on-ground operations. Separately - @dwr.eth, can we upload PDF's on FC as of yet?
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dlt.eth-Adam-DonatingCrypto.org pfp
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dlt.eth-Adam-DonatingCrypto.org pfp
Another update released earlier today - Full Press Release is below, but some key details I've provided below of what we're currently doing there - There's a ton still happening on Policy & Advocacy behind the scenes. To give more context, with 1700 cartons of RUTF, each carton can save a child & the EMT focuses solely on carrying out life-saving surgery. "In Gaza, the IRC has deployed 12 teams of emergency medical personnel (EMTs) on a rotational basis; launched a Community-based Management of Acute Malnutrition program and delivered 1,700 cartons of Ready to Use Therapeutic Food to northern Gaza. We are distributing 100,000 liters of clean drinking water per day; have trained caregivers on Psychosocial Support. IRC is also working with 13 partners to deliver; Early Childhood Development, Child Protection, Women’s Protection & Empowerment, Health, Nutrition and Basic Needs & Wellbeing." https://www.rescue.org/press-release/conflict-middle-east-widens-irc-urges-immediate-and-lasting-ceasefire-allow
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