mel | innvertir πŸ„ pfp

mel | innvertir πŸ„


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mel | innvertir πŸ„ pfp
mel | innvertir πŸ„
Introduciendo $REGEN tips, una plataforma para acelerar el optimismo en Farcaster. Estamos creando $REGEN para demostrar lo que es posible cuando las recompensas onchain inspiran acciones en la vida real con impacto significativo Aporta a lo que importa πŸ„
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mel | innvertir πŸ„ pfp
mel | innvertir πŸ„
If you told me ~2 years ago that I'd spend some nights writing code for an onchain project with the potential for real life impact by tipping what matters... I would be ecstatic I'm living what I aimed for ~2 years ago. It's been hard work and quite some luck, and I'm grateful for everything, and enjoying. LFG πŸ„
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mel | innvertir πŸ„ pfp
mel | innvertir πŸ„
Y lo que πŸ‘€
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mel | innvertir πŸ„ pfp
mel | innvertir πŸ„
This is the power of @regentoken and we’re just getting started!!! Let’s like and recast this post so the message gets spread!!! Let’s grow together πŸ„
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mel | innvertir πŸ„ pfp
mel | innvertir πŸ„
6-2 win, played all the second half. A very controlled game, so it was good for regaining form after 2 weeks of no exercise Need to make it, building is super fun but can also lead to burnout How do you manage this? Would love to hear your regen hacks I’ll ask for a pic when playing next weekend
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mel | innvertir πŸ„ pfp
mel | innvertir πŸ„
Remember to touch grass this weekend!!! I'd love to see some post about sports, exercising or just having some physical activity What we're cooking is starting to really look cool, stay tuned because we're almost done πŸ„
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mel | innvertir πŸ„ pfp
mel | innvertir πŸ„
Una muestra de cΓ³mo podemos incentivar impacto en la vida real con @regentoken Me encantarΓ­a escuchar ideas para tener mΓ‘s iniciativas de este tipo, con impacto en la vida real y que se pueda compartir Por eso me encanta esta tecnologΓ­a y las comunidades a las que pertenecemos, LFG! πŸ„
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mel | innvertir πŸ„ pfp
mel | innvertir πŸ„
Today we shared learnings during a coding workshop at /fruteroclub Communities that are regen-aligned are so energizing, and they also can offer controlled environments to brainstorm ideas that could be incorporated later πŸ‘€ Never stop learning, and always share knowledge. This is part of the regen flywheel πŸ„
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mel | innvertir πŸ„ pfp
mel | innvertir πŸ„
Oh I’m feeling the energy coming back every day, LFG
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mel | innvertir πŸ„ pfp
mel | innvertir πŸ„
Do you know any regens who are not on Farcaster? Any thoughts on that? Thinking on ways we can onboard them and amplify the work they’re doing
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mel | innvertir πŸ„ pfp
mel | innvertir πŸ„
QuiΓ©nes van a EthCC?
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mel | innvertir πŸ„ pfp
mel | innvertir πŸ„
Been very busy these past 2 weeks, had to get off socials for a bit to stay focused and rested at the same time Now retaking the activity here and looking forward for all the cool energy, specially from the /regen community LFG πŸ„
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mel | innvertir πŸ„ pfp
mel | innvertir πŸ„
regm solarpunks!!! Welcome to Farcaster
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mel | innvertir πŸ„ pfp
mel | innvertir πŸ„
This is the type of solutions that you love to see This is definitely some degen 🀝 regen activity I’m part of this week’s sponsored community, and having the funding mechanisms will allow us to onboard more builders Getting some cool ideas for this πŸ„
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mel | innvertir πŸ„ pfp
mel | innvertir πŸ„
$REGEN update: πŸ“Έ A snapshot for the Pink Moon phase was taken, check on Reggie is weeding out the bots + fake engagement. If caught you'll be yeeted πŸŒ• The Flower Moon phase is underway: only QUALITY regen-aligned content on Farcaster = points Aaand new ways to farm $REGEN coming soon πŸ„
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mel | innvertir πŸ„ pfp
mel | innvertir πŸ„
$REGEN update Flower moon has come, and 12,665 Regens have tuned into the movement Reggie is vibing with the energy, and so took a little snapshot πŸ“Έ The next cycle is beginning, hope you're ready... πŸ„
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mel | innvertir πŸ„ pfp
mel | innvertir πŸ„
I'm joining /basefrens - @basefrens the first NFT project funded with Degen tips 🎩
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mel | innvertir πŸ„ pfp
mel | innvertir πŸ„
Yaaaay!!! LFG!!! Super emocionado, gran comunidad y grandes lΓ­deres del ecosistema!
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mel | innvertir πŸ„ pfp
mel | innvertir πŸ„
Touched grass Lost 4-2 Still getting back to good condition and being able to play 90’ And you?
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mel | innvertir πŸ„ pfp
mel | innvertir πŸ„
$REGEN UPDATE: We've noticed many spam penny donations on @giveth We've adjusted the points given for donations to be: - at least $5 total - no less than $1 per project * You can still donate! * $REGEN farming is cool, but let's make sure it's mindful and impactful πŸ„ Stay tuned for more Proof-of-Regen updates!
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