◾️dycp🧾1g pfp



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◾️dycp🧾1g pfp
Forgot to put something up on @drakula in a minute... need to get on it 🥲 So many /things to do...
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◾️dycp🧾1g pfp
refreshin the page with a wayback wednesday... is it really summer already!?: https://drakula.app/post/32e75cb6-d4af-458f-b8c7-96066cd35996?invite=qdzjjz
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◾️dycp🧾1g pfp
Pre - birthday vibes 🟣👀
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◾️dycp🧾1g pfp
Ive been hibernating for too long. Time to build back better. BBB Certified LFGROW /bob builders on base🔵 builders on bitcoin🟠 /bob I have more 🤫
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◾️dycp🧾1g pfp
I minted - 2 🤝 /bitcoin /ordinals https://ordinalsbot.com/mint/maxiturdles
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◾️dycp🧾1g pfp
I have sets called 1(a) 1(b) for 300 days... Exits in the U.S.A. are usually labeled as ( # + letter) Example - EXIT 14A EXIT 14B (Common words are attached but the fundamentals are a numbering and lettering system) Think Bigger. /300
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◾️dycp🧾1g pfp
"Danny why... why... why so many?!" 'My brothers in Christ' - I have no idea how immersive the game will be when it comes out. But you bet Ill be there making it the best experience possible with the home slices. All I ask is you keep it 8 more than 92 with me 💯
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◾️dycp🧾1g pfp
@agust tipped me $5 of this elephant sukin its own weiner coin and now its worth $45 shoulda bought more crew
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◾️dycp🧾1g pfp
📣this is not a tip, this is a prescription... trust me!
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◾️dycp🧾1g pfp
im registering channels related to /gtavi again 🥲 needless to say im pretty excited especially after the recent website change 👀
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◾️dycp🧾1g pfp
Thank you @airstack team! Ive been paid!
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◾️dycp🧾1g pfp
Thoughts💭 priority level - low Make a frame for /freebase. Step 1) How to form an online cartel. In case of an investigation by any federal entity or similar, I ... cont'd👇🏽
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◾️dycp🧾1g pfp
42000000+ holders now.
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◾️dycp🧾1g pfp
squad! /1g ⛓️🤝⛓️ https://t.me/onchaincoin_bot?start=user_6897452027 join us👆🏾
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◾️dycp🧾1g pfp
Who's riding the bull right now? get some reps👇🏽
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◾️dycp🧾1g pfp
note to self: figure out what to do with /database **and possibly register /notetoself** 😅
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◾️dycp🧾1g pfp
1g /things
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◾️dycp🧾1g pfp
A reference for /gtavi /grandtheftautovi /vicecity 1g is comin in hot hot hot hot hot hot hot (because were overheated from the overstimulation) (like summit1g droppin the finals in flames) (were 1st generation) (youve always been it) join us.
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◾️dycp🧾1g pfp
if things are going this "smoothly" now... me and my crew...? were going to be eating grapes dangled from the vines while fanned by smurfs in 10 months. I'm headed for a fantasyyyyyyy ride with me?
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◾️dycp🧾1g pfp
Welcome to Hollow Creek👻 /rmb
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