ilemi pfp



268 Following

ilemi pfp
Yes thanks! These are the three Ive seen in a few dashboards. No one seems to have their newer versions tho on other chains
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ilemi pfp
Can anyone help me find the coinbase commerce contract addresses on base and optimism? I’m only able to find some older versions on ethereum, polygon, and bnb πŸ€”
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ilemi pfp
FYI to past buyers @nohussle @paulx @symmetry @4844 @yitong @li @xmon.eth @jessepollak @seanbren @k41r0n @dralle - appreciate your support thus far and keep asking away! 😁
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ilemi pfp
I've adjusted the price of bytelight to be 1/4th the cost, since I feel that holders seem to ask questions at a rate of roughly once a month and want to get more people involved! Anyone who has bought bytelight before has been minted 3 more for free to compensate for this price change.
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ilemi pfp
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ilemi pfp
I love the thinking here, I ended up giving the bounty winnings to salva for the in depth dash. It's interesting to think of chains as "countries" and proxy "trade" between chains though, I think there is deeper to dive into on that.
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ilemi pfp
this is perfect! @bountybot complete by @salva
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ilemi pfp
this is really good! @jessepollak if this helps, you should reply with @bytecast answered to his cast 😁
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ilemi pfp
Hey! This is a good start, but the chart should show an actual breakdown of mints by collection/contract over time.
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ilemi pfp
you can find all explorers and missions in this dashboard and also learn about the mission in this article Our next mission is already lined up - set to release in a few weeks πŸ‘€
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ilemi pfp
The Bytexplorers have returned from their first mission, a 7-week research initiative with @optimism led by @chuxin and @msilb7! Over three levels of questions, they shared their best insights related to OP airdrop #4. Here are some of the top explorers with their newly earned OP tokens for their hard work πŸ”₯
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ilemi pfp
@bountybot 50 USDC for the first bytexplorer to answer this with a high quality chart. Expires in 14 days.
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ilemi pfp
No recording sadly! But slides uploaded here
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ilemi pfp
If any rugdotfun tokens want to be tracked in my dune dash to see financial and social standings/growth, dm me the token and address 😁
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ilemi pfp
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ilemi pfp
sure - can you add in "how would you measure onchain GDP?"
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ilemi pfp
@linda @pirosb3 is there a way I can tell bountybot to read from the top level/replied to cast for bounty details?
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ilemi pfp
First bounty has been added to Jesse's question here:
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ilemi pfp
I've started adding bountybot bounties for bytexplorers to bytelight questions. πŸ€‘ If you have data questions, you can buy a bytelight token and ask as many questions as you want in the /data channel! I'll add bounties to the best questions. For bytexplorers, you'll earn reputation tokens and usdc for answering!
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ilemi pfp
adding a @bountybot 50 USDC bounty for the best bytexplorer answer (within 6 days). I'll decide on the winner, answer must at least include a chart/query and cannot just be a text explanation.
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