Victor Truong pfp

Victor Truong


79 Following

kenny 🎩 pfp
kenny 🎩
the funny thing about the last bull run is that the best piece of art it produced wasn't an NFT it was this
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Victor Truong pfp
Victor Truong
Maybe I need to start interacting with people more here to make it feel like a home! I just lurk atm
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Victor Truong pfp
Victor Truong
Let’s go!! Also, just curious: what prompted the rebrand? Were you trying to further differentiate the client and the protocol in people’s minds, or something else?
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Victor Truong pfp
Victor Truong
Later in the thread LC says the app will continue to run as long as people poast, just no more active development
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Victor Truong pfp
Victor Truong
People are so fickle, lol. If there’s one thing I’ve learned so far, it’s that he updates fast and will end up trending towards the right thing. He’s the first major CEO I’ve seen that makes these decisions so publicly, so it’s pretty interesting to watch.
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Victor Truong pfp
Victor Truong
Ty 🙏
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Victor Truong pfp
Victor Truong
👋 ifvictr.eth
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Victor Truong pfp
Victor Truong
Yeah, I’ve seen a lot of competing Mastodon clients that offer pretty much the same features and I don’t get the point—it just makes it harder to choose one. Also, I didn’t know FC had other clients! Is there a list somewhere that I can check out?
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Victor Truong pfp
Victor Truong
IME, unfollowing the liker doesn’t send the same signal to the algorithm as using the “not interested in this tweet” option. Try that, maybe? I started seeing improvements after training it on about ~30 tweets. It probably wasn’t the best move for them to hide that option behind a dropdown menu…
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Victor Truong pfp
Victor Truong
It’s been fun branching out into more niche social networks over the past month. Which other ones have y’all been trying out, besides Farcaster?
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