Dương Hồng Loan pfp

Dương Hồng Loan


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Dương Hồng Loan pfp
Dương Hồng Loan
Don't put all your eggs in one basket, but also don't just diversify everywhere. Diversification to some degree is good, but over diversification means you are OK with picking losers. Diversify between those which you believe will be winners.
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Dương Hồng Loan pfp
Dương Hồng Loan
🚀🚀🚀UHIVE🚀🚀🚀 The countdown to the global release is on! 6 billion tokens (valued at $4 million) up for grabs👉 https://www.uhive.com/invite?c=VSDUJG #lens #uhive #web3 #crypto #airdrop #wav3s https://gw.ipfs-lens.dev/ipfs/QmZitUvswmPaEmdcN8V2quyc9kEFBCyAHCmS5NBfKDmnuS
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Dương Hồng Loan pfp
Dương Hồng Loan
"High School" by J Shaw and @mannis.lens . Available on all streaming platforms. My favorite song I've dropped all year.
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Dương Hồng Loan pfp
Dương Hồng Loan
🚨 BAYC has fallen from 150Ξ to 8Ξ A pragmatic look at the rise and fall of the most successful NFT collection of all times Will NFT's make a come back? https://ik.imagekit.io/lens/media-snapshot/ac11615880a500d033501a10f6bedf904725089e1fb8e248db0b0f583b1a5804.jpg
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Dương Hồng Loan pfp
Dương Hồng Loan
Generally speaking, what's the best DeFi tool for analyzing the APY of all the liquidity pools out there (aside from @defillama)?
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Dương Hồng Loan pfp
Dương Hồng Loan
Nerding out a bit to understand the ZKSync stack here. Not technical enough to understand the full depth, but just looking to get a better idea https://ik.imagekit.io/lens/media-snapshot/abbd5ee39d74ca039715ac69c88beb9659ea0a50bb964000003a4b2b9d3bcde9.jpg
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Dương Hồng Loan pfp
Dương Hồng Loan
Great app but seems to only work with airless accounts
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Dương Hồng Loan pfp
Dương Hồng Loan
🔊gn frens #jewels #dailyjewels
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Dương Hồng Loan pfp
Dương Hồng Loan
I am officially back from my travels and used the time away for a social media sabbatical. Having the time to reflect gave me the chance to chart my path ahead, and I look forward to share my journey with you here on Lens 🌱 https://gw.ipfs-lens.dev/ipfs/bafybeifm2y5n2zszo7tmwa4y3vc7m6idqdruvlvyi6hwg5bjwg3nadl6ry
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Dương Hồng Loan pfp
Dương Hồng Loan
Building web3 apps today is super easy. Your entire infrastructure is pretty much there. Social? Lens. Messaging? XMTP. Login? Magic Link. It literally never been easier.
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Dương Hồng Loan pfp
Dương Hồng Loan
Another little demo on Zora. Free mint :) https://zora.co/collect/zora:0xec19e900d6a5f96b83a80ff0680d5d5d8ccf6ee9/2?referrer=0xC3aF8EfE3c865b8363A79B13B27dB530Eb5D24Af
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Dương Hồng Loan pfp
Dương Hồng Loan
lens 2023 is looking very bright https://media3.giphy.com/media/3VSM58Eu7kR4A/giphy.gif?cid=d7bb39f5k97juefv67u4hofnj2mvej0p58n4n5dgw4yrou78&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g
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Dương Hồng Loan pfp
Dương Hồng Loan
**Things that make me happy:** - when someone compliments my work - fruits - oddly satisfying animations on the Guild UI - recognizing my place within the vast universe
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Dương Hồng Loan pfp
Dương Hồng Loan
😎😎 https://images.lens.phaver.com/insecure/raw:1/plain/9b68ac9296f5917fefd3be97eb5fd863
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Dương Hồng Loan pfp
Dương Hồng Loan
Anotherday in crypto 🤞 https://images.lens.phaver.com/insecure/raw:t/plain/644c4d297243d320e7e3fa375954f44c
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Dương Hồng Loan pfp
Dương Hồng Loan
Shout out to @lensprotocol.lens for building the future 🌿🔮 https://gw.ipfs-lens.dev/ipfs/Qmd2sNyPTkwLUoitJc27twYXEUVbJmCmdFYyqp9m8b1kF3
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Dương Hồng Loan pfp
Dương Hồng Loan
Guess the name https://ik.imagekit.io/lens/media-snapshot/b23983fd3f893b59fed9901fecf65d1674dd5fcfdedb6c7938dace9225c038e5.jpg
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Dương Hồng Loan pfp
Dương Hồng Loan
Private credit , DeFi, and Emerging markets A bit of economics The eminent economist Hernando de Soto wrote a wonderful book called “The Mystery of Capital” with the subtitle of “Why Capitalism Triumphs in the West... https://app.t2.world/article/clv0kw4u018084720mcx1pse9tq
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Dương Hồng Loan pfp
Dương Hồng Loan
Collect the Lens Collector. #infinitykeys https://infinitykeys.io/pack/lens-collector-pack via @infinitykeys.lens
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Dương Hồng Loan pfp
Dương Hồng Loan
The @safe.lens protocol is a key piece of infrastructure to manage assets securely. Now.. What if you could also use Multisigs for non-financial dApplications? You can now create & manage non-financial assets via Safe: Any Multimedia Files; dWebsites; Documents; Whiteboards; Contracts; Data Rooms; Digital gardens… ALL with security, anonymity, programmability & global co-ownership over the web. 💃 Safes deployed on Gnosis are automatically allowlisted! Discover your personal Fileverse👇 https://app.safe.global/share/safe-app?appUrl=https%3A%2F%2Fportal.fileverse.io&chain=gno https://app.safe.global/share/safe-app?appUrl=https%3A%2F%2Fportal.fileverse.io&chain=gno https://ik.imagekit.io/lens/media-snapshot/bae664ad5d3946b9a0a7d97c482f6fc4763d5971dd554a85a7cf4f2e0e0f4441.png
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