tldr (tim reilly) pfp
tldr (tim reilly)
🙅🏼‍♂️+⛽️+👨🏻‍💼+ 🖼️ This is my gasless mint of @dawufi’s bidniss card nft via @icebreaker !!! 🧊🔥🧊🔥
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ChrisCoCreated ↑🎩 pfp
ChrisCoCreated ↑🎩
woho wen hand how @dawufi ??
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ChrisCoCreated ↑🎩 pfp
ChrisCoCreated ↑🎩
where? icebreaker seems to be a telegram link
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icebreaker pfp
👀 you rang? :D
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ChrisCoCreated ↑🎩 pfp
ChrisCoCreated ↑🎩
looks very cool, at a very basic level how can I see/mint @dawufi 's? and in an ideal world how might I make my own?
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