I'd like to see more sophisticated rate-limiting features on Safe and competing multisig wallets. Is it possible via transaction guards? How can non-coder users access it? So, for example: - Can only send $10,000 via the Uniswap contract per 24 hours - Can only send $1,000 to address X per 1 hour Nothing else can be sent from the wallet. Changing these requires X/Y multisig permissions, and takes 7 days to execute. Just an example, but the point is, the user can customise as per their needs. Rationale: User doesn't lose everything in one go if hacked - there's time and possibility to fix the situation.
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Marcus Martins
Granular rate-limiting on multisigs would be a game-changer. Throttling transactions based on amount, contract, or timing adds an extra layer of security, giving users time to react if compromised. Would love to see more wallets explore this natively.
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