Jeff Feiwell
Nuggets from lunch with @jayme - no pfps on reddit is a feature not a bug - farcaster could benefit from a face pic or no pic policy - Elon is the single choke point for X, without him there would be likely be no policy or technology stability - startups are infinitely harder if you don’t love your customers
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Victor Ma 🧾
expand on #2 please?
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Matthew Fox 🌐
- farcaster could benefit from a face pic or no pic policy filthy smell of linkedin off this one 😂
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Giwa 🎩
I love the last point, startups are harder if you don't love your customers and this is a serious problem in web3, most web3 founders look down on their core users and call them farmers, jeet, etc (starknet) that's why most crypto startups fail.
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Face pic or no pic? What is this fucking linked in?
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