I like the thought that making your dreams come true is a lot like dating. You flirt for a bit... You date... You get engaged... You get married... So don't feel pressured to get married to your dreams during the flirting stage. Just flirt and see how you get along. And if it doesn't work, great, move on! And if it does, great, move forward!
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Metaphorical pfp
Lynch liked to say he “fell in love” with ideas.
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ܙܟܪܝܐ’s🧠 pfp
Part of that fall in love dance is to learn to let ideas go their own ways sometimes and ignore them. The feminine energy is the same across the board.
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Metaphorical pfp
He equated it to fishing. His book is titled "Catching the Big Fish." So yes, you sometimes have to "lure" those ideas, also not unlike our courtship rituals (don't text too soon!). 😉
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ܙܟܪܝܐ’s🧠 pfp
Speaking of Lynch… until a few days ago, I’d been under a rock when it comes to knowing about him as a creative, including being unfamiliar with most of his work. I’m vaguely aware of Twin Peaks but never really looked into him much. It feels like discovering a distant cousin I’m just starting to learn about—and there’s a bittersweet sadness in not connecting while he’s still here in the body.
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